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点此下载: 北京市初一年级第一学期英语期中考试题4

I、单词拼写 (15分)
A) 根据所给句子意思和首字母或汉语提示,完成下列单词。(10分)
1. Please ________(拿) the books here.
2. Steve ________(乘) the bus to school.
3. They’re very ___________(健康的).
4. I can see a cat u________ the table.
5. His brother looks thin _______(长着) big eyes.
6. His _________(父母)are teachers.
7. She has a r________ face.
8. We are f________ England.
9. This is his bag, y_________ is over there.
10. Her mother d__________ her little sister in the morning.
11. I think _______(we) coats are in the box.
12. May I _______ (call) you Mike?
13. I have two ________(knife) in my hand.
14. My friend is __________(Japan).
15. Let me _______(help) you.
( )1. We _______ the girl.
A. all like B. like all
C. all likes D. likes all
( )2. He isn’t a nurse. I’m not, ______.
A. too B. either C. also D. so
( )3. Who _______ the room?
A. are B. is C. is in D. aren’t in
( )4. --- ______ dress is this?
---It’s _______.
A. Who’s, Lucy B. Who’s, Tom
C. Whose, his D. Whose, hers
( )5. --- These ______ your trousers _____ my ones.
---They’re his.
A. are, or B. aren’t, and
C. aren’t, or D. are, but
( )6. What are those _______ Chinese?
A. in B. on C. of D. about
( )7. ---Is this a cat or a tiger?
A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t
C. It’s a cat D. It’s not tiger
( )8. That’s ______ orange orange.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )9. ---_________?
---He is a fat boy.
A. What does he like
B. What is he like
C. How is he
D. How does he like you
点此下载: 北京市初一年级第一学期英语期中考试题4

关键字: 英语 试题 初一 期中




