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点此下载: 仁爱版七年级上学期期中考试英语试题

21. What’s my name?
A. My name is Jim. B. My name is Michael. C. My name is Maria.
22. How old is Philip?
A. He is nine. B. He is seven. C. I don’t know.
23. Does my mother have a long face?
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, she does.
24. Who is Jim Black?
A. He is my brother. B. He is my friend. C. He is my teacher.
25. What class is Jim in?
A. Class Three. B. Class One C. Class Two

26. —Is Maria friend?
—No, isn’t.
A. she, she B. her, her C. her, she D. she, her
27. —______ bag do you like?
—I like the green ______.
A. What, bags B. What, it C. Which, one D. Which it
28. —What class is Li Ming in?
—She’s in _________.
A. Class 2, Grade 1 B. Grade 1, Class 2 C. class 2, grade 1 D. grade 1, class 2
29. —What color is the T-shirt?
—It’s .
A. an orange B. orange C. a pink D. in green
30. 下面语调调号标得不正确的是 .
A. Who’s that boy?↗
B. But I have a big head, ↗big eyes↗and a big nose.↘
C. Do you have a car?↗
D. We’re in Class One.↘
31. —Are you from Canada?
— .
A. Yes, you are. B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, I’m not. D. No, you aren’t.
32. — What’re those?
—_________ are flowers.
A. It B. These C. They D. That
33. — How are you?
A. I’m twelve. B. Not bad, thanks. C. I’m a student. D. I’m your friend.
34.—Is this your bag?
A. Yes, it is B. Yes, it’s a big. C. It’s my bag D. It isn’t
35. — is the man in the picture?
—He’s my teacher.
A. What B. Who C. Where D. How old
36. —Which is your box?
—______ .
A. It’s green. B. The blue one. C. The one yellow. D. The green ones are.
37. —Is that _______ bike?
—Yes, _______ isn’t.
A. he, he B. his, it C. he, his D. his, its
38. 你认为哪个单词的重音是正确的?
A. ’Ja•pan B. Bra•’zil C. Eng•’land D. ’Ko•re•a
39. —How do you spell it?
A. Yes, F-A-X fax. B. No, F-A-X fax. C. F-A-X fax. D. It’s a fax.
点此下载: 仁爱版七年级上学期期中考试英语试题

关键字: 初一 期中 英语 试题




