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点此下载: 中学英语七年级下期中试卷及答案

第二小题. 听对话。从A,B,C中选择一个能回答该问题的选项。(5分)
6 . A. It's cloudy. B. It's snowing. C. It's windy.
7. A. An actor. B. A nurse. C. A policeman.
8. A. A teacher B. At school C. He teaches Chinese.
9. A. It's next to the school.
B. It's behind the school.
C. It's in front of the school.
10. A. He is reading. B. He is playing.
C. He is watching TV.
第三小题 听长对话,回答问题,读二遍 (10分)
11. What does Tom's pen pal do?
A. She's a teacher. B. She's a doctor. C. She's a nurse.
12.Where is Tom's pen pal from
A. England B. China C. France
13. Why does the girl like to see the dogs first?
A. Dogs are friendly and clever.
B. Dogs are fun.
C. Dogs are cute.
14. Where are the lions from?
A. China B. Africa C. Canada
15. How many kinds of animals do they see?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4
( ) 1.Where is the new student ? ---America.
A. in B. from C. at D. for
( )2 Tom is from .He speaks .
A. England, English B. English, England
C. England, England D. English, English
( )3. Alice is a nurse. She works in a .
A. bank B. store C. hospital D.hotel
( )4. Let's go and have a look at the animals.-- .
A. Yes, let us B. Ok, Let's go
C. You're all right D. Sorry, I don't
( )5. The pay phone is library.
A. across from B. down C. from D. next
( )6. live in cold place.
A. Lions B. Elephants C. Giraffes D. Penguins
( )7.I want to be actor. What do you want ?
A. a / to do B. a / to be C. an / to be D. an / to do
( )8.-What is Steve doing?-He on the phone.
A. is takeing B. take C. talk D. is talking
( )9. Listen! Mary in the next room.
A. sings B. is singing C. sang D. sing
( )10. a post office near here? ---Yes, there is.
A. Is it B. Is that C. Is this D. Is there
( ) 11.His brother his homework every day.
A.does not B. doesn't C. isn't doing D. doesn't do
( )12. . ---_____ do you like pandas ?
---_______they're cute and shy.
A. Why…Because B. How…But
C. Why…So D. How…And
( )13. Just go straight and ___________.It's down Bridge Street on the right..
A. turn the left B. turn left
C. turn to left D. turn a left
( )14. -- A: How is the weather in Beijing?
A.It's sun B. It's wind. C. It snowy. D. It's cloudy
( )15. ------ does your sister work?
----- She works in a hospital.
A. What B. When C. How D. Where
点此下载: 中学英语七年级下期中试卷及答案

关键字: 初一 期中 英语 试题




