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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

点此下载: 2011学年张家港市第一学期

B) 根据所听问题,选择恰当的答语。(听两遍)
( )6.A.Yes.I do. B.In the morning. C.At about 6:30.
( )7.A.My father does. B.My sister is. C.He will.
( )8.A.No,you can’t. B.Yes,he does. C.Sorry, I am afraid I can’t.
( )9.A.On the playground. B.Write e-mails to my friend C.By bike.
( )10.A.I enjoy it very much. B.I’m glad you like it. C.You are right.

C) 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案。(听两遍)
( )11.A.At home. B.In a shop. C.In a factory.
( )12.A.They are having a class. B.They are making a phone call.
C.They are talking in the office.
( )13.A.She is our French teacher. B.She is our English teacher.
C.She is a Chinese teacher.
( )14.A.It’s Sunday. B.March 17th. C.It’s May 19th.
( )15.A.They will help us. B.They will be teachers.
C.They will be football players.

D) 听短文,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)
( )16. Where was Alice born?
A. In China. B. In England. C. In America.
( )17. How old is Alice?
A. She is 13. B. She is 14. C. She is 15.
( )18. Where does she study?
A. In No. 5 Middle School.
B. In No. 15 Middle School.
C. In No. 50 Middle School.
( )19. What does Alice like doing?
A. Swimming. B. Reading. C. Playing volleyball.
( )20. How does she often go home?
A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot.
点此下载: 2011学年张家港市第一学期

关键字: 初一 期中 英语 试题




