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点此下载: 七年级英语第一学期期中考试试题4及答案

一、 根据你所听到的句子,选择相应的答语,每个句子读两遍。(5分)
1. A. Thank you B. The same to you C. Yes , I think so.
2. A. Sandy is out . B. Amy is ill . C. Simon is .
3. A. They’re in her bag . B. They’re in English . C. They’er interesting .
4. A. It’s two. B. It’s three. C. It’s five .
5. A. It's a black . B. It's black . C. It's cheap .
二、 听下面五段对话,选择正确答案,每段对话读两遍。(5分)
6. Who is going to the flower show ?
A. Betty . B. Simon . C. Betty and Simon.
7. What’s the date today ?
A. June 2. B. June 3. C. June 4.
8. What season is it now ?
A. Spring . B. Summer . C. Autumn.
9. What number is the woman calling now ?
A. 7045386 B. 7043586. C. 7045368.
10. What will they do ?
A. Go to the cinema. B.Listen to the radio. C. Get new glasses.
三、 听短文,选择正确的答案,短文读两遍。(5分)
11. Where does Lin Tao write this letter? He writes at his ______________.
A. home . B. school . C. friend’s home.
12. Lin Tao’s English teacher is ______________.
A.Mrs Gao. B. Miss Gao. C. Mr Gao
13. There are __________ classes all day .
A.four . B. three. C. seven
14. One of Lin Tao’s friends is from ___________.
A. America B. England C. France
15. Which is true?
A. This letter is from May to Lin Tao . B. Lin Tao is a teacher .
C.Lin Tao’s favourite game is basketball .

四、 单项选择(15分)
16.There is _______ “s” and _________ “u” in the word “study” .
A.a/a B. a/an C. an/a D. an/an
17. What did Mr.Green _________ at the class meeting?
A.say B. tell C. talk D. speak
18. These are __________ books .Please give ________ to __________ .
A. my ;it;me; B. his;them;him C. her;them;hers D. his;it;his
19.__________ you free today ? Would you like ______________ shopping ?
A. Do;going B. Do ;to go C.Are;to go D. Are;going
20.I want to go to a _________ to buy something for my son.
A .cloth shop B.sports shop C.books shop shop
21. My parents and I ___________ like watching TV.
A. are both B. both C. are all D.all
22. Tom doesn’t have much time _______________.
A. plays with his friends B. play with his friends
C. playing with his friends D. to play with his friends
23.How ________ the pair of shoes?
A. much are B.many are C. much is D. many is
24. The English children usually have a big dinner ________ Christmas Day . B.on C. in D. for
25. --- Can the boy speak English?
--- ____________________.
A. I think don’t B. I don’t think C. I think he can’t D. I don’t think so
点此下载: 七年级英语第一学期期中考试试题4及答案




