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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What did the man do last Sunday?
A. He went fishing.
B. He bought new fishing rods.
C. He played golf.
2. What time in Los Angeles did the man assume?
A. 10:00 p. m.
B. 4:00 p. m.
C. 4:00 a. m.
3. Where are the man and the woman?
A. At a drug store.
B. At a shop.
C. At a restaurant.
4. What's the woman doing?
A. Looking for a young lady.
B. Looking for her wristwatch.
C. Looking for a young man.
5. What does the man mean?
A. He's unable to go to the picnic.
B. He'll join the woman in the afternoon.
C. He needs to deliver a television this afternoon.
6. What does the man offer to do for the woman?
A. Buy some medicine for the woman.
B. Accompany the woman to the doctor's office.
C. Take the woman's temperature.
7. What do we know about the woman?
A. She can't have felt better now.
B. She feels bored.
C. She doesn't feel like eating anything.
8. What is the woman doing?
A. Exchanging reading experience with the man.
B. Questioning about an evening school.
C. Asking for information on reading habits
9. How long does the man spend a week reading newspapers?
A. About one or two hours.
B. About two or three hours.
C. About six or seven hours.
10. What does the man like best?
A. Newspapers.
B. Novels.
C. Textbooks.
11. Where did the man think the woman came at the beginning?
A. Washington.
B. New York.
C. Los Angeles.
12. Why did the man go to Los Angeles?
A. Because it's easier to find a room on Sunday.
B. Because the ticket is cheaper on Sunday
C. Because there are special shows in Los Angeles.
13. How many times has the woman been to Los Angeles?
A. Once.
B. Twice.
C. Three times.
14. What is Stuart planning to do with his friends?
A. Go for a drive and have a picnic.
B. Watch a football game.
C. See a movie and have dinner.
15. Why does Amy say she can't go with them?
A. She has to study for an exam.
B. She doesn't have any spending money.
C. She already has plans to attend the party.
16. What are they planning to do at the end of the evening?
A. Watch a video.
B. Have a party.
C. Play some games.
17. How is Amy getting to the activity?
A. She's driving her car.
B. Stuart is giving her a ride.
C. She's taking the bus.
18. What was the first unusual thing that Cindy noticed?
A. A woman bought something in the shop.
B. There was a salesman in the woman's coat shop.
C. The salesman didn't seem to be listening to her.
19. What was the man?
A. A store detective.
B. A salesman.
C. A customer.
20. What was the man doing in the department store?
A. Helping to sell coat.
B. Answering customers' questions.
C. Finding out if there was any shoplifting.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
questioning ['kwestʃəniŋ]


n. 质问 v. 询问,审问(question的现在分词

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧

detective [di'tektiv]


adj. 侦探的
n. 侦探

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

assume [ə'sju:m]


vt. 假定,设想,承担; (想当然的)认为

accompany [ə'kʌmpəni]


vt. 陪伴,伴随,给 ... 伴奏


关键字: 高二 期末 英语




