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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

点此下载: 2010年建北中学七年级期中英语试题

( )6. A. Mary B. His name’s Liming. C. I’m Nick.
( )7. A. Yes, I have one. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.
( )8. A. It’s black. B. Yes, it is. C. It’s in the backpack.
( )9. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, it is. Thank you. C. No, I don’t.
( )10.A.That’s a baseball. B. No, it isn’t. C. That sounds good.
( )11. What color is the chair?
A. Red B. Blue C. yellow
( )12. The boy has a _________.
A. tennis ball B. volleyball C. ping-pong ball
( )13. The girl likes _________.
A. pears B. strawberries (草莓) C. oranges
( )14. Where is the ruler?
A. In the backpack.(背包)B. On the desk. C. Under the backpack.
( )15. The girl likes fruit for_____.
A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner
Name Likes playing Where the sports things are Likes eating
Tommy (16)________ The balls are under his bed. tomatoes
Paul tennis The racket is on the (17)_______ (18)________
Sally (19)________ (20)_________
II. 单项选择(15分)
( )21. Who a poster in your class?
A. has B. have C. is have D. do have
( )22. There are nine books in the library.
A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundred of D. hundreds of
( )23.His shoes black. His are white.
A. is; coat B. are; jeans
C. am; shirt D. are; sweater
( )24. There is ____ “u” and ___ “h” in the word “house”.
A. an, a B. an, an C. a, an
( )25. - ______you have four comic books? -No,_________.
A. Do, we don’t B. Does, we don’t C. Do, we do D. Are, we aren’t
( )26. The light is red, You must______the green light.
A. wait for B. wait C. for
( )27. — , where’s the bookshop, please? — , I don’t know.
A. Excuse me; Sorry B. Excuse me; Excuse me
C. Sorry; Excuse me D. Sorry ;Sorry
( )28. —Whose ball is this? —It’s
A. Jim’s and Tom’s B. Tom’s and Jim
C. Jim and Tom’s D. Jim and Tom
( )29. There are some pictures the wall and some windows the wall, too.
A. on; on B. on; in C. in; on
( )30. The ________ are from England.
A. woman teacher B. woman teachers
C. women teachers D. women teacher
( )31. In China, people walk ________ of the street(街道).
A. on the left B. on the right
C. in the middle D. on the left of
( )32. Hello, Lucy, __________Jim! Jim, this is Lucy.
A. he is B. her name is C. she is D. this is
( )33. _______ the window. It’s clean.
A. Not clean B. Aren’t clean C. Don’t clean D. Clean
( )34.How many rubbers_________ in your pencil box?
A. there is B. there are C. is there D. are there
( )35.Hi! This is_____new teacher.____name is Linda and the bag is .
A.your;My ;hers B.his;Your; she
C.your;Her; hers D.her;His; her
点此下载: 2010年建北中学七年级期中英语试题

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ruler ['ru:lə]


n. 尺子,划线板
n. 统治者,支配者

comic ['kɔmik]


n. 连环图画,喜剧演员,喜剧元素

poster ['pəustə]


n. 海报,装饰画

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球


关键字: 初一 期中 英语 试题




