'I told you that I would save him, 'said Lucie's father proudly. 'Well, I have saved him, and you must not worry now. '
"我告诉过你我会把他救出来的,"路茜的父亲骄傲地说 。"好了,我已经救出了他,你就不用再担心了 。"
But Lucie was still worried. So many innocent men and women had died, for no reason, and every day brought more deaths. A shadow of fear and hate lay over France, and no one knew what dangers the next day would bring.
但是路茜仍旧担心 。已有那么多无辜的男男女女毫无道理地死了,并且每天都有更多的人死亡 。恐惧和仇恨的阴影笼罩着法国,没有人知道明天会带来什么危险 。
It was not possible to leave Paris at once, as Charles did not have the necessary papers. They must live quietly, and hope to leave as soon as they could.
查尔斯不能马上离开法国,因为没有拿到必须的证件 。他们必须静悄悄地生活,并寄希望于能尽快离开 。
But that night, when Dr Manette, Charles and Lucie were sitting together, they heard a loud knock at the door.
但是那天晚上,当马内特医生,查尔斯和路茜正在一起坐着时,他们听到了很响的敲门声 。
'What can this be? 'said Lucie, trembling. 'Hide Charles! Save him!'
"会是什么人呢? "路茜颤抖着说 。"把查尔斯藏起来,救救他!"
'My child, 'said the Doctor, 'I have saved him. He is a free man!'
"我的孩子,"医生说,"我已经救回了他 。他现在是个自由人!"
But when he opened the door, four rough men pushed their way into the room.
但是当他打开门时,四个粗壮的人闯进了房间 。
'The Citizen Evrémonde, where is he? He is again the prisoner of the people. '
"公民埃弗蒙,他在哪儿? 他又成了人民的囚徒了 。"
'I am here, 'said Darnay. 'But why am I again a prisoner? '
"我在这儿,"代尔那说 。"可是我为什么又成了犯人呢? "
'You are accused by citizens of Saint Antoine. '
"圣安东尼的公民们指控你了 。"
Dr Manette had said nothing. He seemed to be made of stone, but suddenly he spoke.
马内特医生没有说什么 。他仿佛成了一个木头人;但他突然说道:
'Will you tell me who has accused my son-in-law? '
"你能告诉我谁指控我的女婿吗? "
'I shouldn't tell you this, 'said one of the men, 'but Citizen Evrémonde, called Darnay, is accused by Monsieur and Madame Defarge, and by one other person. '
"我本不该告诉你的,"其中一个人说,"可是公民埃弗蒙,即所谓的代尔那是被得法热先生及夫人还有另外一个人指控的 。"
'What other? '
"另外那个人是谁? "
'You will hear that tomorrow, 'replied the man.
"你明天就会听到了 。"那个人说 。
他目睹侯爵兄弟残害狄更斯全家的罪行,不揭发就不能解除自己"良心上的负担",终于因此身陷囹圄 。他的行为,闪烁着资产阶级人道主义的光辉 。严酷的铁窗岁月,增强了他对残暴的侯爵家的仇恨 。作者同情他的不幸遭遇,但对他的这种无法抑制的报仇欲望却持否定态度 。