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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

点此下载: 七年级英语上册期末综合测试卷4

( )1. —Where do you come from?
A. Yes I do. B. I’m a student.
C. I come from Canada. D. It’s very nice.
( )2. —How do you usually go to school?
A. By a bus. B. On foot. C. On bike. D. with car
( )3. —
—The kitchen fan doesn’t work.
A. What’s that? B. What’s the matter?
C. Can I help you? D. How are you?
( )4. Mike was born a hot summer evening.
A. at B. on C. in D. of
( )5. —Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the hospital?

A. You can’t miss it. B. I don’t know.
C. No, I don’t know. D. I’m sorry, I’m new here myself.
( )6. The plane will leave at .
A. a quarter to eleven B. eleven a quarter
C. eleven past a quarter D. quarter
( )7. —What’s the matter with your leg?
—I yesterday.
A. fell about B. fell down C. fell over D. broke down
( )8. Last Saturday, we made the cards hand.
A. of B about C. by D. with
( )9. The local people were very .
A. friend B. friendly C. fine D. expensive
( )10. —Happy New Year!
A. It’s OK. B. The same to you!
C. Yes. D. Happy birthday!
( )11. He is sitting the classroom.
A. at the front B. in the front of C. in front D. in front of
( )12. It was very different ours.
A. of B. about C. from D. for
( )13. —How was the weather yesterday?
—It was .
A. sun B. rain C. snow D. cloudy
( )14. —Is there a shop around here?

A. Yes, it is .B. Yes, that is .C. Yes, there is. D. No, there is.
( )15. Go straight ahead and turn right 0the second turn.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
Ⅱ. 连词成句(5分)
1. is computer he games playing
2. play at I the can guitar party the
3. season in is which the year the warmest
4. point anything to foot mustn’t with your you
5. time hope you I all a have good
1. Aunt Zhu lives in the building next to my house.(划线部分提问)
____does Aunt Zhu ______?
2. My favorite food is hot dog.(改成同义句)
I ______ hot dog ______.
3. They know about him very mueh.(改成同义句)
They know about him _____ _____.
4. There are four books on the table.(对划线部分提问)
_____ _____ books _____ _____ on the table?
5. We should return the books to the library on time.(改成同义句)
We should _____ _____ the books to the library on time.
点此下载: 七年级英语上册期末综合测试卷4

重点单词   查看全部解释    
kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

guitar [gi'tɑ:]


n. 吉他

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平





