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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

点此下载: 七年级英语下期末复习专项练习及答案

1. The bank is next to the market.
________ _______ the bank?
2. I like dogs because they are very clever.
________ _______ you like pandas?
3. Jim comes from America.
________ _______ Jim ______ from?
4. She is a shop assistant.
________ _______ she do?
5. We can see a pencil on the desk.
_______ ________ you see on the desk?
6. They are cleaning the room.
_______ ________ they ________?
7. These oranges are 10 yuan.
_______ ________ are these oranges?
8. It was rainy yesterday.
_______ _________ the weather yesterday?
_______ _________ the weather ______ yesterday?
9. Miss Smith is her favorite teacher.
_______ _________ her ________ teacher?
10. Ann is tall and thin.
_______ _______ Ann _______ like?
11. My grandfather is 80 years old.
_______ _________ _____ your grandfather?
12. I'd like a bowl of noodles.
_________ ________ _______ like?
13. I saw the movie last night.
_________ _______ you see last night?
14. Lily went to New York city on vacation.
________ ________ Lily _______ on vacation?
15. The people were friendly.
________ ________ the people?
16. I love sports shows.
_______ _______ you _________ _______ sports shows?
17. John speaks English.
_______ ____________ does John speak?
18. She wants to buy three kilos of rice.
_______ _________ rice _______ she want to buy?

19. Jack lives in a quiet place.
Jack ________ _________ in a quiet place.
20. I ate some apples in the morning.
I ________ _______ _______ apples in the morning.
21. I think you are right.
I _______ ________ you are right.
22. He studied very hard last year.
He ______ ________ very hard last year.
23. My teacher is drawing on the blackboard.
My teacher ________ _________ on the blackboard.
24. Close the door, please.
________ ________ the door, please.
25. Jim can play basketball with me.
Jim ________ _________ basketball with me.
26. I have to get there before 8:00.
I ________ _______ ______ get there before 8:00.

27. He did his homework before class.
_________ he _________ his homework before class?
28. I want to be an actor.
_________ you ________ to be an actor?
29. We had a good weekend.
________ ________ _______ a good weekend?
30. I'd like a cup of tea.
_______ you ________ a cup of tea?
31. I have to write some letters.
________ you have to ______ _________ letters?
32. There are some bikes in the room.
________ ________ ________ bikes in the room?
33. Sue has breakfast at 7 in the morning.
________ Sue _______ breakfast at 7 in the morning?
点此下载: 七年级英语下期末复习专项练习及答案

重点单词   查看全部解释    
lily ['lili]


adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花

sue [su:]


vt. 控告,起诉
vi. 请求,追求,起诉

bowl [bəul]


n. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场


关键字: 初一 期末 英语 试题




