One evening in December, 1757, I was walking by the River Seine and a coach stopped beside me. Two men got out and one asked me if I was Dr Manette. When I replied that I was, they asked me to go with them, and made it clear that I could not refuse.
在1757年12月的一个晚上,我正沿着塞纳河散步,一辆马车停在了我身边 。车上走下两个男人,其中一个问我是不是马内特医生 。当我回答说是后,他们便要我跟他们一起走,而且明确告诉我,不能拒绝 。
The coach left Paris and stopped at a lonely house. I could hear cries coming from a room upstairs. When I went in, I saw a young woman lying on a bed. She was young and very beautiful. She was also very ill. She kept crying out, ' My husband, my father, and my brother!'Then she listened for a moment, and began once again, 'My husband, my father, and my brother…'
马车离开巴黎,在一座孤零零的房子前停了下来 。我听到从楼上房间里传来了哭喊声 。在我走进去时,我看见一个年轻女子躺在一张床上 。她年轻而且很漂亮 。她病得也很厉害,一直在哭喊着:“我丈夫、我父亲,还有我弟弟!”然后她倾听了一会儿,又开始哭喊起来,“我丈夫、我父亲,还有我弟弟…… 。”
I gave the girl something to make her calmer, but her feverish screams continued. Then I turned to question the two men. They were clearly brothers, and their clothes and voices suggested that they were noblemen. But they took care to prevent me from learning their name.
我给那女孩服了一些可以使她平静下来的药 。但她狂躁的叫声还是继续着 。后来我转身去询问那两个男人,他们显然是兄弟俩,并且他们的穿着和说话腔调表明他们是贵族,可他们提防着不让我知道他们的名字 。
两位伤者救治无效相继死去,马奈特医生写信向朝廷举报这项罪行,不料信件落到侯爵兄弟手中,医生被投入巴士底监狱,医生的妻子因丈夫失踪忧伤而死,留下幼女路希 。马奈特在入狱后十年写下揭露真相的控诉信藏在烟道里,继而精神失常 。