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来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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1. single or double? = do you want to book a single or double room?

i am still single. i am married.

2. what are the charge?=price

what are your rates for to tutor at student's price?

what are your rates for teaching english?

the chicken lay eggs at the rate of one a day.

3. is one hundred us dollars for single and one hundred fifty for double.

4. ses you then .

don't foget our date tomorrow night at eight pm.

i won't. see you then.


1. do you have a single room/twin room/double room/suite?

2. how many days do you want to stay?

how long do you want to stay?

3. i'd like to book a room.

i 'd like to book two tickets to taibei.

i'd like to book a table for twelve.

4. see you then. see you at that time.

1. tom have booked a table for two at the new restaurant.

2. i'd like to make a reservation for a room.

3. may i stay over night at your home?

4. tom had lived the new york for two years.

5. what are your rates for teaching glof?

6. this book are selling at rate of one hundred a week.

7. i have to go now. see you.

8. i will arrive about 10,see you then.

1. do you have any seat avialible for tonight concert?

2. you must book early.

3. i'd like to make reservation now.

4. do you want know the rates for diferent type of tickets?

5. just reserve the cheap one for me.

6. sure, how many do you want?

lesson 20 checking into hotel

check out of

A: good morning, i am Mr jacke wu. i have a reveration for a suite.

B: oh yes, mr wu. pls fill out the form.

A: here you are.

B: will you pay by cash or charge?

A: do you take travler's check?

B: certainly.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reserve [ri'zə:v]


n. 预备品,贮存,候补
n. 克制,含蓄

concert ['kɔnsət]


n. 音乐会,一致,和谐
vt. 制定计划,通

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

reservation [.rezə'veiʃən]


n. 预定,保留意见

tutor ['tju:tə]


n. 家庭教师,导师
v. 当家庭教师,当导师





