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欲望都市前传《凯莉日记》第15期: 她迷人的曼哈顿就会消失于我的生命

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


All of these documents need to be collated, and then bound in binders. There should be 60 of them. And I need it by end of business today. Okay.

整理这些文件 装订起来 应该是60份 下班之前给我 -好的
Some woman with a hoity-toity accent. Called here for you yesterday like three times.

有个口音很做作的女人 昨天大概给你打了三次电话

Larissa Loughlin? What did she say? "Is Carrie Bradshaw there?"
是拉丽莎•洛克林吗 她说什么了 "凯莉•布莱肖在吗"
And what did you say? - "No."
您怎么说的 -"不在"
Well, did you tell her why I wasn't here? Because I was at school?
您跟她解释我为什么不在吗 是说因为我在学校吗
Yes, I decided to spend my very busy day talking to a complete stranger about my high school intern.
是啊 我当机立断要浪费宝贵工作时间和一位陌生人聊聊我的高中实习生
I see your point.
No personal calls.
Yes. Thanks for the reminder.
好的 谢谢提醒
Be useful or be gone. Larissa, it's Carrie... Bradshaw.
有话直说 路易莎 我是凯莉•布莱肖
Darling, thank god! I need you to get down here right now. Where is here? And why?
亲爱的 太好了 你现在马上过来一趟吧 去哪儿 去干嘛
D.U.M.B.O. As IN THE ELEPHANT? As in Brooklyn.
邓宝 拍《小飞象》吗 -是在布鲁克林
I need your bag for the photo shoot.
I thought the shoot was in two weeks.
Well, now it's today. We were supposed to be shooting that darling Corey.
改到今天了 本来是拍秀色可餐的科林
Feldman or haim? Is there a difference?
姓费尔德曼还是姓海姆 有区别吗
Well, Haim is the one with the soulful eyes, And Feldman-- Well, whichever one it was, He's so bloody hungovr, we can't get him out of bed.
海姆的眼神很深邃 而费尔德曼... 管他是哪个 都醉得不行了 拖都拖不起来
He's 13. - I don't care how old he is. I cannot photograph someone who's the color of pea soup.
他才13岁 -我才不管他多大 我不能给一个面如菜色的家伙拍照吧
So... change of plans. Enter the purse. My whole shoot revolves around it.
所以...计划有变 包包入选 整个拍摄场景都是为它设置的
I don't think I can get down there today.
Oh, darling, that's so disappointing. I need to go. I have much work to do.
亲爱的 这太令人失望了 我得挂了 还有很多活要干
Maybe we could do the shoot another day?
Don't be silly. Ta-ta. Don't have a lot of time. Just wait.
别傻了 挂啦 没时间了 等等
I knew in that moment if I let Larissa go, her glamorous Manhattan would disappear from my life. And truth be told, I couldn't bear that.
我知道如果我那时让拉丽莎挂断 她迷人的曼哈顿就会消失于我的生命 说实话 那样我可受不了
Of course. I can make it.
没问题 我会过去的

重点单词   查看全部解释    
budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算

reminder [ri'maində]


n. 提醒物,提示

disappointing [.disə'pɔintiŋ]


adj. 令人失望的 动词disappoint的现在分词





