《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》The adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Clay C. The protagonist of Mark Twain's American classic, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is able to rebel against the confines of the South's racial society through his ingenuity and individuality. Huck, while adopted into a a prosperous family and given educational opportunities, eschews the immigrations society places on his freedom. Escaping from time home by floating down the Mississippi River on a raft, Huck challenge the expectations that one must conform to established lifestyle. Furthermore, Huck helps liberate a runaway slave. Jim, while on his trek. While conflicted over whether to help Jim because of the pressures of racial prejudices in his contemporary South. Huck nevertheless devotes himself to saving the goof-natured slave. Huck refuses the racial superiority of whites and the accepted religious justifications for slavery in saving Jim, demonstrating that Huck's magnanimity allows him to transcend widely-held unjust beliefs.
点评:用词令人印象深刻,比如“eschews the immigrations society places on his freedom”,结尾的句子强而有力。