Post-Its 便利貼
Ryan A. Creativity is also beneficial in less destructive and dire situations, such as in workplace. In the 1970s, computers were still quite a few years from being used by businesses. Therefore, it made organization and time management difficult. But, when 3M employee Art Fry discovered his coworker Spencer Silvers failed attempt at a glue product, he decided to use the weak glue to stick self-notes to the wall of his cubicle. He decided to call these notes Post-Its, and his new invention spread rapidly across the country. Suddenly, no longer had to sort through files or stacks of papers to remind themselves when their meetings were: Everything they needed to know was on a little yellow paper right in front of them. Thanks to Fry's creative thinking, storing information in your office suddenly had a far more practical solution.
尽管是《阿珠与阿花》(Romy and Michelle)般的平常故亊,Ryan却在文中呈现了便利贴的简短历史。该段行文流畅,过渡自然,句式多样,细节充分。