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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第4章Part 3

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"You ain't got no business walking round these hills, miss."“你这样在山坡上走来走去,是找不着事儿干的,小姐。”
"Looka here who's talking. I got morebusiness here 'n you got. They catch you they cut your head off. Ain't nobody after me but I knowsomebody after you." Amy pressed her fingers into the soles of the slavewoman's feet. "Whosebaby that?" Sethe did not answer.“嚯,这是谁呀,这么大口气。我在这儿可比你有事儿干。他们抓住你就会割下你的脑袋。没人追我,可我知道有人在追你。”爱弥把手指按进那女奴的脚心,“孩子是谁的?”塞丝没有回答。
"You don't even know. Come here, Jesus," Amy sighed and shook her head. "Hurt?"“你自己都不知道。来看看哪,耶稣。”爱弥叹了口气,摇摇头,“疼吗?”
"A touch."“有点儿。”
"Good for you. More it hurt more better it is. Can't nothing heal without pain, you know. What you wiggling for?"“好极了。越疼越好。知道么,不疼就好不了。你扭什么?”
Sethe raised up on her elbows. Lying on her back so long had raised a ruckus between her shoulderblades. The fire in her feet and the fire on her back made her sweat.塞丝用胳膊肘支起身子。躺了这么久,两片肩胛骨都打起架来了。脚里的火和背上的火弄得她大汗淋漓。
"My back hurt me," she said.“我后背疼。”她说。
"Your back? Gal, you a mess. Turn over here and let me see."“后背?姑娘,你真是一团糟。翻过来让我瞧瞧。”
In an effort so great it made her sickto her stomach, Sethe turned onto her right side. Amy unfastened the back of her dress and said, "Come here, Jesus," when she saw. Sethe guessed it must be bad because after that call to JesusAmy didn't speak for a while. In the silence of an Amy struck dumb for a change, Sethe felt thefingers of those good hands lightly touch her back. She could hear her breathing but still thewhitegirl said nothing. Sethe could not move. She couldn't lie on her stomach or her back, and tokeep on her side meant pressure on her screaming feet. Amy spoke at last in her dreamwalker's voice.塞丝费了好大劲,胃里一阵翻腾,才向右翻过身去。爱弥把她裙子的背面解开,刚一看见后背便失声道:“来看哪,耶稣。”塞丝猜想伤势一定糟透了,因为爱弥喊完“耶稣”以后好半天都没吱声。在爱弥怔怔地发呆的沉默中,塞丝感觉到那双好手的指头在轻轻地触摸她的后背。她听得见那个白人姑娘的呼吸,可那姑娘还是没有开口。塞丝不能动弹。她既不能趴着也不能仰着,如果侧卧,就会压到她那双要命的脚。爱弥终于用梦游一般的声音说话了。

"You ain't got no business walking round these hills, miss."
"Looka here who's talking. I got morebusiness here 'n you got. They catch you they cut your head off. Ain't nobody after me but I knowsomebody after you." Amy pressed her fingers into the soles of the slavewoman's feet. "Whosebaby that?" Sethe did not answer.
"You don't even know. Come here, Jesus," Amy sighed and shook her head. "Hurt?"
"A touch."
"Good for you. More it hurt more better it is. Can't nothing heal without pain, you know. What you wiggling for?"
Sethe raised up on her elbows. Lying on her back so long had raised a ruckus between her shoulderblades. The fire in her feet and the fire on her back made her sweat.
"My back hurt me," she said.
"Your back? Gal, you a mess. Turn over here and let me see."
In an effort so great it made her sickto her stomach, Sethe turned onto her right side. Amy unfastened the back of her dress and said, "Come here, Jesus," when she saw. Sethe guessed it must be bad because after that call to JesusAmy didn't speak for a while. In the silence of an Amy struck dumb for a change, Sethe felt thefingers of those good hands lightly touch her back. She could hear her breathing but still thewhitegirl said nothing. Sethe could not move. She couldn't lie on her stomach or her back, and tokeep on her side meant pressure on her screaming feet. Amy spoke at last in her dreamwalker's voice.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sweat [swet]


n. 汗,汗水
v. (使)出汗

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压





