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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Part A Short Conversations
1. A. In a cinema. B. In a drugstore.
C. In a hospital. D. In a camera shop
2. A. Whether the man will come along. B. What the weather will be like.
C. How much a tennis ball will cost. D. If the man has ever played tennis before.
3. A. The new teacher is sick. B.He hasn’t met the teacher yet.
C.There are three new teachers .D.He didn’t like the teacher.
4. A. The card is not made by himself. B. He made the card before.
C. He and his uncle made the card together. D.The card is beautiful.
5. A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday . C. Thursday . D. Monday.
6. A.Truth B. The world. C. New ways. D. Pollution.
7. A. 6 days. B. 7 days C. 8 days. D. 9 days.
8. A. In China. B. In America. C. In England. D. In France.
9. A. $60. B. $120. C.$100. D. $200.
10.A. Buy some paper. B. Do some typing.
C. Change the typewriter. D. Ask the woman to type.
Part B Passages
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
11.A. A doctor. B. A musician. C. A churchman. D. A piano player
12.A. His mother. B. His father.
C. His aunt. D.The town church piano player
13.A. He went on writing music. B. He stopped writing music.
C .He moved to London. D. He played the piano in church.
Questions 14 through 15are based on the following passage.
14. A.Because fields need water.
B.Because they are young and active.
C. Because people know the importance of farming.
D.Because most people only like something good to them.
15. A.They listen to weather reports.
B.They listen to what the old farmers say.
C.They study the skins and try to forecast.
D.They believe whatever the others tell them.
Ⅱ.Grammar and vocabulary:(20分)
16.The little child can speak English______ his parents can’t.
A. when B. while C. as D. since
17..Books of this kind_____ well.
A. sell B. sells C. were sold D. is sold
18.You are standing too near the camera. Can you move______?
A. a bit far B. a little farther C .a bit of farther D. a little far
19.It is rather stupid_____ you to go out in such ______ bad weather.
A. of…./ B. of…a C. for…/ D. for…a
20.Scanning means_______ quickly and thoroughly before you begin to read carefully.
A .to look at an article B. to look for an article
C. looking at an article D. looking for an article
21.The way_______ you communicate your ideas_______ others is very important.
A./…to B. how… to C. which… with D. how… with
22.My teacher gave me_____ on how to learn English well.
A. an advice B.some advices C. advices D. some advice
23.All the students got____ when they heard the_____ news.
A. excited… excited B. excited… exciting
C. exciting… exciting D. exciting… excited
24.Your hair needs_______; would you like me_______ it for you?
A. cutting… doing B. to cut…doing C. cutting… to do D. being cut… to do
25.The letter will______ Beijing in five days.
A. arrive at B. reach C. get in D. come to
26.I’m not used_______ like that. be talked B. to being talked C. to being talked to D. to be talked to
27.Don’t forget to post the letter,________?
A. will you B. do you C. would you D. don't you
28.______is not so easy to finish the work in time.
A It B. This C. That D. What
29.----He went to the cinema yesterday. ----__________.
A.So did he. B. So he did. C.So was he. D. So his sister did.
30.There are__________ books in the library for students to read.
A. a great deal of B. a large amount of
C. a large number of D. a plenty of
31.I think it a great honor_______ to make a speech in your school.
A. to invite B. inviting C. invited D. to be invited
32.We need 100________ to do the work.
A. employers B. employees C. customers D. customs
33.Advertisements almost_______ everyone of us.
A. effect B. affect C. effort D. offer
34.You can have a good_______ on top of Mountain Tai.
A. sight B. scenery C. view D. landscape
35.John is______ one of the best students in his class.
A. thought B. considered C. guessed D. found

重点单词   查看全部解释    
forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st]


n. 预测,预报
v. 预测

scenery ['si:nəri]


n. 布景,风景,背景

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

inviting [in'vaitiŋ]


adj. 吸引人的,诱人的 动词invite的现在分词

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

typewriter ['taip.raitə]


n. 打字机,打字员

communicate [kə'mju:nikeit]


v. 交流,传达,沟通

musician [mju:'ziʃən]


n. 音乐家,作曲家


关键字: 高一 期中 英语




