下面为大家整理了一篇SAT写作范文,这篇获得高分的SAT写作范文的主要是关于advertising and desire的,大家可以在备考自己的SAT写作考试的时候根据自己的实际情况,进行适当的准备和借鉴。
Think carefully about the issue presented in the following quotation and the assignment below.
Advertising is everywhere: the average American consumer sees more than 3,000 commercial messages each day. The world behind this $125 billion-a-year-effort, however has been almost invisible—until now. From inside Chiat/Day, the ad industry’s reigning creative “hot spot,” this book reveals the big business of advertising, its people, its culture, and the high-stakes process of Inventing Desire.
Karen Stabiner, adapted from Inventing Desire
Assignment: Do you believe it is possible for advertising (magazine ads, radio spots, TV commercials) to “invent desire,” that is, to create in people a need to have something they otherwise would not have wanted? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
SAT 6分范文
The concept is intriguing. If desire can be "invented," then any product, any service, any theoryis potentially a success. All that is needed is a marketing plan and access to potential customers.Invent the desire, and then sit back and collect the profits.
The concept is also frightening. If desire is an articifial concept, then what becomes of theconcept of free will? If judgment can be overridden by packaging and promotion, are any of us really freeat all? Could the very notion of democracy be destroyed by a good press agent?
Fortunately, I don't believe that true desire can be invented. The most that advertising cancreate is awareness. Sometimes that awareness is created in a way that makes the product seemmore desirable than it actually is. Movie trailers, for example, take the most exciting moments of a filmand pack them into sixty seconds, to make the audience believe that the entire two hours will be thataction-packed. The tall, juicy burgers seen in fast food commercials bear little resemblance to thewrapper-flattened sandwiches handed through most drive-up windows. Diet programs tout clients whohave lost hundreds of pounds, only admitting that "these results are not typical" in small print.How, then, can you account for the apparent success of so much advertising? In some cases,simply creating the awareness can be enough. If a person saw and liked the first two Harry Pottermovies, all they really need to be told is when the next one will be released, and what theaters will beshowing it.www.liuxue.la Mostly, however, I think what advertising provides is a bridge between the product and somedesire already present in the consumer. A successful cosmetics commercial won't "invent" a desire fora certain brand of lipstick as much as it will establish a connection between that brand of lipstick anda woman's desire to feel attractive. An ad that associates a product with a celebrity connects anyonewho uses that product to that celebrity, even if its only in an indirect way. A burger commercial can besuccessful just by making people feel hungry.
The advertising industry may strive to "invent desire," but I don't believe it can be done. (I do,however, still tend to fall for those movie trailers!)
All essays are evaluated on four basic criteria: Topic, Support,Organization, and Language. The author here states her position clearly. She presentsseveral examples and develops them well, and the essay stays on topic.
The essay's structure is consistent and easy to follow, thanks to the author's use oftransitions and keywords (also, for example, in some cases). The author ends with a strongconclusion that summarizes her main point. The strong organization and structure of thisessay show that the author took sufficient time to plan before she began to write.
Grammatically, the essay is consistent and accurate, although there are a few errors(concept is used twice in the second sentence of the second paragraph; the plural they is usedto refer back to the singular a person in the third sentence of the fourth paragraph; the contrac-tion it's is misspelled in the next-to-last sentence of paragraph four). The author uses a varietyof high-level sentence structure and language (intriguing, tout, strive), showing that she tooktime to edit and giving additional strength and polish to her essay.
以上就是关于advertising and desire的SAT写作范文。在备考SAT写作考试的时候,大家可以根据自己的实际情况,对范文的语言应用和例子的选择进行不同程度的准备,以便丰富自己的备考内容,对考试有更加全面的应对。