I'm not very good at giving advice. We all know that's Bill O'Reilly's job and he does it very well. I actually googled graduation speeches to see what kind of advice other people give at these kind of things, and believe me, they are incredibly cheesy. Goldie Hawn told graduates at AU, and I quote, "While you are continuing to walk down that sometimes bumpy road of life, develop the art of laughter and joy. Keep in your backpack of treasures the whole you, the best you, the you that wont't fear failure." Yeah, think about it. Think about it. Backpack of treasures. Very true. Yoko Ono gave a commencement speeck (she didn't sing it, she actually talked at it.) She said:"I say you can't stand if you've got too much muck in your head. Let it go, and dance through life." So true, so much muck, you know? Muck is a big problem. Of course, it's easier to dance through life if you have a billion dollars, but I digress.
Since my mom gave me advice from television, I'm actually going to give you advice from a movie, because that's the best I could come up with, frankly. It's one of my favorite movies:"Lawrence of Arabia." It's a cool movie, I know. There's a line in it where Lawrence says, "Nothing is written." And for you, I think, on this day, at this moment in your lives, I think that is especially true. Nothing is written.You've been taught how to write for yourselves. This weekend, the slate is wiped clean. There are no words that you have to use. There are no sentences you must complete. You stand before a field of freshly fallen snow; there are no footprints that you have to follow. Nothing is written. And I hope you know that it is truly a rare and wonderful place to be. Congratulations, Class of 2006. You deserve it.