S014-11 前女友们的幽灵 ghost of girlfriends past
Oppress 压迫,心情沉重
Oppressive 残酷的,压迫的
Institution 公共机构,制度,习俗
Institute 学会,研究所
Substitute 代用品,代替者,代替
Abolish 废除,废止
Relevant 有关的,切题的
D:To me, marriage is an archaic and oppressive institution that should have been abolished years ago. And love? It's magical comfort food for the weak and the uneducated. Yeah, it makes you feel all warm and relevant but in the end, love leaves you weak, dependant and fat.
对我来说,婚姻是个古老而又富有压迫性的制度,早该废止了。而爱情呢?是给软弱无知的人的神起精神快餐。没错, 它使你感到一切温暖和及时,到头来,爱情给你软弱,依赖还有肥胖。