1.switch off 关闭
Switch off appliances when you are not using them.
电器不用时,关掉它们 。
Eliminate distractions, close email programs, switch off email notifications.
排除能让你分心的事,关闭电子邮件程序,关闭电子邮件提示 。
2.cope with 应付,对付
How will they cope with the huge psychological pressures?
And the algorithm could not cope with that.
但该算法无法处理这种连续的信息 。
3.lead to 导致,导向
A little exaggeration can lead to serious consequences.
一丝一毫的夸大都可能导致严重的后果 。
That can lead to serious consequences.
这会导致严重的后果 。
4.such as 例如;譬如;诸如
The printers can also create interlocking mechanical parts, such as gears and cogs.
3D打印机也可以制造出具有连锁机制的零部件,比如齿轮和接榫等 。
It made money on institutional client services, such as executing trades.
机构客户服务也实现了盈利 。