Hi-tech Family Time
We are living in a hi-tech world, cell phones, the Internet video games; the list of gadgets that keep invading our lives keeps growing. You’d think that all those distractions would pull families apart but that may not be the case. Here’s CBS News Science and Technology Correspondent Daniel Sieberg.
我们生活在一个高科技世界,手机,互联网视频游戏,介入我们的生活的高科技产品列表不断增加 。你或许会认为,这些转移注意力的产品会让我们和家人的关系更疏远,实际上或许并非如此 。下面是CBS新闻科技通讯员Daniel Sieberg的报道 。
Maybe the best example of Ozzie and Harriet living in the digital age is the Romoser family from Seattle.
电影《奥兹和哈里特的冒险》中关于数码时代的优势的最佳范例或许就是来自西雅图的Romoser家 。
Ha…my grandma just texted me, my dad, my grandma, my friend Katie …that was in like two minutes. Whether it’s 15-year-old Katie who defines multi-tasker, to a 13-year-old David engrossed in video games.
哈,我的祖母刚刚给我发了短信,父亲,祖母,我的朋友Katie,好像就在两分钟的路程之内 。无论是多重任务同时进行的15岁的Katie,还是全神贯注地玩游戏的13岁的David 。
Don’t do it, don’t take it.
不要这样做,不要拿走了 。
To Mom Tracy and Dad Michael trying to keep track of it all.
母亲Tracy和父亲Michael试图追踪他们的所有情况 。
I will text them or else I‘ll …get dinner started and practise your trombone, so we know where they are at all times, which it’s really great.
我会给他们发短信,否则我不等他们就吹长号开始吃晚餐,所以我们随时都知道他们在哪里,非常方便 。
Cell phones, e-mail, instant messaging -- It’s part of nearly every busy family's life on the go. But does that technology actually bring them closer together.
手机,电子邮件,即时信息——这几乎是每个繁忙的家庭的一部分 。但是这种高科技是否真的让整个家庭更亲密了呢?
It’s just different. I think we are just as close uh, but, but it’s in a different way. According to a new study, 25% said their family is closer today than when they were growing up. Thanks to all the new tech-gadgets that connect us, the Web and cell phones; just 11% said their families were just close and 60% said the technologies made no difference.
有所不同 。我认为我们和以前一样亲密,但是却是以不同的方式 。根据一项新的研究,25%的人表示他们的家庭比以前更加亲密 。多亏了所有把我们联系起来的高科技产品,手机和互联网,只有11%的人表示他们的家庭和以前一样亲密,60%的人表示高科技没有发挥什么不同的作用 。
Maybe parents uh, need, need to feel like they can reach their kids more, you know, than our parents did. The study also found that some families gather around the computer together, watch like ball games of the past.
或许现在的家长觉得比我们的家长当初更容易联系到孩子 。研究还发现,一些家庭会围在电脑前观看球赛 。
Experts like Jeffery Cole who was not part of the study says while hi-tech communication lacks face-to-face time, it can still be meaningful.
Jeffery Cole等专家并不是研究的一部分 。他表示,尽管高科技沟通缺乏面对面的交流,却仍然是有意义的 。
As far as it’s affecting family relationships in almost every meaningful way, it makes people feel better connected.
只要能够以有意义的方式影响家庭关系,就会让人们感觉相互之间关系更密切 。
The Romosers who set limits for their kids worry about a larger impact.
Romosers一家给孩子规定了限制,他们担心更大的影响 。
Here we are raising a generation of people that are, you know, texting on their phones and on line with chatting and all that and I wonder about the societal impact of their communication skills.
我们养育的这一代孩子一直通过短信,电话或互联网沟通聊天,我担心这会影响他们的社交能力 。
For The Early Show, Daniel Sieberg CBS news, Los Angeles.
CBS新闻早间节目,Daniel Sieberg在洛杉矶报道 。