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中英双语话中国旅游 第67期:上海自然概况(1)

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Sightseeing in Shanghai


Natural Features


1. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower

The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui,Shanghai. The tower,surrounded by the Yangpu Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest,creates a picture of“twin dragons playing with pearls".The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the imagination and attracts thousands of visitors year-round.

This 468 meters high(1 536feet)tower is the world's third tallest TV and radio tower surpassed in height only by towers in Toronto, Canada and Moscow,Russia.However,even more alluring than its height is the tower's unique architectural design that makes the Oriental Pearl TV Tower one of the most attractive places anywhere.The base of the tower is supported by three seven-meter wide slanting stanchions. Surrounding the eleven steel spheres that are 'strung" vertically through the center of the tower are three nine-meter wide columns. There are three large spheres including the top sphere, known as the space module. Then there are five smaller spheres and three decorative spheres on the tower base. The entire structure rests on rich green grassland and gives the appearance of pearls shining on a jade plate.

Visitors travel up and down the tower in double-decker elevators that can hold up to fifty people at the rate of seven meters per second. The elevator attendants recite an introduction to the W Tower in English and Chinese during the rapid 1 /4- mile ascent. Once you reach your destination , you will be amazed at the variety of activities available as the various spheres and columns actually house places of interest,commerce,and recreation. The inner tower is a recreational palace,while the Shanghai Municipal History Museum is located in the tower's pedestal. The large lower sphere has a futuristic space city and a fabulous sightseeing hall. From here,on a clear day a visitor can see all the way to the Yangtze River. The base of the tower is home to a science fantasy city. The five smaller spheres are a hotel that contains twenty-five elegant rooms and lounges. The pearl at the very top of the tower contains shops,restaurants,(including a rotating restaurant)and a sightseeing floor. The view of Shanghai from this height fills you with wonder at the beauty that surrounds you. When viewed from the Bund at night,the tower's three dimensional lighting makes it a delight of brilliant color.
It is amazing that this ultra-modern tower combines ancient concepts such as the spherical pearls,with 21 st Century technology,commerce,recreation educational and conference facilities. All of this and it really is a TV and radio tower that services the Shanghai area with more than nine television channels and upwards of ten FM radio channels. Truly,“oriental pearl”is the most suitable name for this tower.

2. Huangpu River and the Bund


Huangpu River,the most important shipping artery of Shanghai,wriggles like an undulating muddy dragon from the mouth of the Yangtze River in Wusong to the East China Sea. The yellow and ice-free Huangpu River is 114 kilometers(71 miles)long,400 meters wide and has an average depth of nine meters(30 feet ).


Huangpu River joins 29 kilometers(18 miles)north of downtown Shanghai and divides Shanghai into two parts,east and west. Cruises are available everyday,including the shorter cruises(navigating the main waterfront area between the Yangpu Bridge and the Nanpu Bridge) and the complete cruises(meandering eastward along the golden waterway,over a distance of 60 kilometers or 37 mi- les).Whether it is in the daytime or at night,the views along the river are the same beautiful. The great modern skyscrapers and the characteristic buildings in different architectural styles are the best records of the development of the city and the Huangpu River,the birthplace of Shanghai,is the faithful eyewitness.

The Bund,also called the Zhongshan Road,is a famous waterfront and regarded as the symbol of Shanghai for hundreds of years. It starts from the Baidu Bridge,which is at the connecting point of the Huangpu River and the Suzhou Creek,to the East Jinling Road and winds a 1 500 meters(less than one mile) length. Walking along the Bund,which is at the west shore of the Huangpu River, the Oriental Pearl刊Tower can be seen on the opposite side and also the Jin MaoTower. Being one of the Top Ten Shanghai Attractions,the Bund is a really beautiful and special place which is worth visiting. The newly-built Flood Control Bank takes the function of preventing the oversize flood;the square with the statue of Marshal Chen Yi is an open air podium which gives new views of the Shanghai Plaza Culture;the Cenotaph which stands on the man-made island is a monument of people's heroes;the riverside greenbelt,the Electronic Waterfall Bell,and the Great Mural Carving are all representatives of the Bund.
外滩,也叫中山路。是著名的海港区,几百年来一直被视作为上海的象征。外滩北起位于黄浦江和苏州河汇合处的白渡桥,南至金陵东路,全长约1 500米(不到1英里)。外滩位于黄浦江西岸,沿外滩漫步,可以看见对岸的东方明珠广播电视塔和金茂大厦。外滩是中国十佳景点之一,确为一个十分美丽和特殊的地方,值得一游。新建造的防洪墙发挥了预防特大洪水的功能;立有陈毅元帅雕像的陈毅广场是上海广场文化新观点的露天讲坛:耸立在人造岛上的和平纪念碑是一座人民英雄纪念碑:江边绿化带、电子瀑布钟和壁雕都是外滩的标志。
The most famous and attractive sight which is at the west side of the Bund are the 5? various buildings of different architectural styles including Gothic,Baroque,Romanesque,Classicism and the Renaissance. The Bund was the center of Shanghai's politics,economy and culture hundreds of years ago,consulates of most countries and many banks businesses and newspaper offices were settled there, and that's why we have these art-like buildings. Although they were not designedby the same person or built in the same period,the architectural pattern is similar.
外滩西部最为著名和最具吸引力的景点是52座建筑风格迥异的建筑物,其中包括哥特式、巴洛克式、罗马式、古典主义式和文艺复兴式的建筑。数百年前,外滩曾是上海的政治、经济和文化中心。当时,大多数国家的领事馆和许多银行、商务和报社曾落户于此,因此才有今天这些艺术品般的建筑群(。虽然这些建筑不是同 一个时期,也不是同一个建筑师所设计和建造,但这此建筑物的建筑格调却是相近的。

3. Nanjing Road

China's premier shopping street,3. 4-mile-long Nanjing Road,starts at the Bund in the east and ends in the west at the junction of Jingan Temple and Yan'an West Street. Today Nanjing Road is a must-see metropolitan destination attractingthousands of fashion-seeking shoppers from all over the world.
南京路素有中华商业第一街之称,它全长3. 4英里,东起外滩,西至静安寺与延安西路交汇。如今.南京路已经成为世界各地成千上万时尚购物者必去的都市购物场所。
After the Opium War,Shanghai became a treaty port. Nanjing Road was first the British Concession,then the International Settlement. Importing large quantities of foreign goods,it became the earliest shopping street in Shanghai.
Over time,Nanjing Road has been restructured,undergoing significant change.For shopping convenience,its eastern end has an all-weather pedestrian arcade. Big traditional stores no longer dominate the market since modern shopping malls,specialty stores,theatres,and international hotels have mushroomed on both sides of the street.
Today over 600 businesses on Nanjing road offer countless famous brands,superior quality,and new fashions. KFC、McDonald's Pizza Hut,and other world-famous food vendors fine both sides of the street.Upscale stores include Tfiffany , Mont Blanc,and Dunhill. In addition ,approximatelym a hundred traditional stores and specialty shops still provide choice silk goods,njade,embroidery,wool,and clocks.
Open-air bars、abstract sculptures,and lingering sounds from street musicians enhance evening strolls. A trackless sightseeing train provides a comfortable tour of the night-transformed pedestrian street. Flashing neon signs illuminate the magnificent buildings and spangle the night skyline of this lively city.

4. Yuyuan Garden

Yuyuan Garden is a famous classical garden located in Anren Jie,Shanghai.The garden was finished in 1577 by a government officer of the Ming Dynasty named Pan Yunduan. Yu in Chinese means pleasing and satisfying,and this garden was specially built for Pan's parents as a place for them to enjoy a tranquil and happy time in their old age.
In the 400 years of its existence,Yuyuan Garden had undergone many thanges. During the late Ming Dynasty,it became very dilapidated with the decline of Pan's family. In 1760,some rich merchants bought Yuyuan Garden and spent more than 20 years reconstructing the buildings. During the Opium War of the 19th century,Yuyuan Garden was severely damaged. The Yuyuan Garden you see today is the result of a five year restoration project which began in 1956. The garden was open to the public in September,1961.
Yuyuan Garden occupies an area of 20 000 square meters(about five acres ). However,the small size is not a representative of the attractions of the garden. The pavilions,halls,rockeries,ponds and cloisters all have unique characteristics. There are six main scenic areas in the garden:Sansui Hall,Wanhua Chamber,Dianchun Hall,Huijing Hall,Yuhua Hall and the Inner Garden. Each area features several scenic spots within its borders.
豫园占地20 000平方米(大约5英亩)。然而,面积小巧并不是豫园吸引游客的地方。这里的亭阁、厅堂、假山、池塘和回廊个都具有独特的风格。豫园内有6个主要风景区:三穗堂景区;万花楼、鱼乐榭景区;点春堂景区;会景楼景区;玉华堂景区和内园景区。每个景区都有若于个特色景点供游人参观。
The Inner Garden was a separate garden built in 1709,but is now a part of Yuyuan Garden in the south. The Inner Garden is compact and exquisite,and the rocks,pavilions,ornamental ponds and flower walls offer some of the most attracfive sceneries in Yuyuan Garden.

5. Shanghai Museum

Located in the center of Shanghai in People's square,Shanghai Museum is a large museum of ancient Chinese art. The museum style and presentation surround visitors with artifacts demonstrating ancient wisdom and philosophy. The exterior design of the round dome and the square base symbolizes the ancient idea of a round heaven and a square land.
The museum is divided into eleven galleries and three exhibition halls. The eleven Galleries cover most of the major categories of Chinese art:Ancient Bronze,Ancient Ceramics,Paintings,Calligraphy,Ancient Sculpture,Ancient Jade,Coins,Ming and Qing Furniture,Seals,and Minority Nationalities.
上海博物馆设有11个艺术馆和3个展览厅。11个艺术馆里陈列了大多数主要门类的中国艺术品:古代青铜、古代陶瓷、绘画、书法 , 古代雕塑,古代玉器、钱币、明清家具、玺印以及少数民族工艺等。
The bronze ware of the Shang and Zhou dynasties contribute to our understanding of ancient civilization. The over 400 pieces of exquisite bronze wares cover.the history of ancient Chinese bronze art.
The ancient ceramics collection is a special Shanghai Museum treasure. Among the more than 500 pieces are artwork from various dynasties,such as painted and gray pottery from the Neolithic age,primitive celadon from the Shang,Zhou and Warring States,mature celadon from the East Han Dynasty,the well known tri-colored glazed pottery from the Tang Dynasty,blue,white and black glazed as well as painted porcelain from the Song,Jin and Liao,and the brilliant works from Jingdezhen,Jiangxi,the center of the industry during the Yuan,Ming, and Qinq dynasties.
Chinese paintings and calligraphy have profound traditions and unique national styles. Masterpieces from different periods and genres are featured The Gallery of Chinese Ancient Sculpture focuses mainly on Buddhist sculptures .
Jade in ancient China was both decoration and the symbol of wealth and power. It was further personified to symbolize perfect morality.
The elegance of jade wares glows through its crystal colors and vivid patterns.
古代中国的玉器既是装饰品;又是财富和权力的代表,象征着完美的伦理道德。水晶般的色泽和生动的图案透着玉器的玲珑优雅。 明朝和清朝见证了中国家俱的全盛时期艺术馆里展示了当时精致的花园式住宅的情况甚至把简单的椅户也都在证明,中国是一个文化礼仪之邦。
The Ming and Qing dynasties witnessed the heyday of Chinese furniture. The gallery shows a refined garden-like residence of that time.Even a simple chair demonstrates Chinese culture and etiquette.
First of its kind,the Gallery of Chinese Seals,reflects the importance of seals in history from the Western Zhou to the end of the Qing Dynasty.
中国是使用货币最早的国家之一。中国货币馆里近7 000枚中国硬币展示了中国货币和中国与世界各国经济交往的兴起和发展过程。
China is one of the earliest countries to use currency,and nearly 7000 pieces in the Gallery of Chinese Coins reveal the development of Chinese currency and the growth of economic exchange between China and foreign countries.
Chinese culture is a result of the melding and collaboration of many nationali-ties. During its long history,minority nationalities have created their own colorful cultures. From clothes to textiles,metal wares,sculptures,pottery,lacquer and bamboo wares,the exotic styles of their artwork give us a general picture of creativity and passion toward life of those ethnic groups.


6. Jade Buddha Temple
In the western part of Shanghai,a very modern and flourishing city,there is a venerable and famous Buddhist temple,Jade Buddha Temple. In 1882,an old temple was built to keep two jade Buddha statueswhich had been brought from Burma by a monk named Huigen. The temple was destroyed during the revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty. Fortunately the jade Buddha statues were saved and a new temple was built on the present site in 1928. It was named the Buddha Temple.
The two precious jade Buddhist statues are not only rare cultural relics but also porcelain artworks. Both the Sitting Buddha and the Recumbent Buddha are carved with whole white jade. The sparkling and crystal-clear white jade gives the Buddhas the beauty of sanctity and make them more vivid. The Sitting Buddha is 190 centimeters high and encrusted by the agate and the emerald,portraying the Buddha at the moment of his meditation and enlightenment. The Recumbent Buddha is 96 centimeters long,lying on the right side with the right hand supporting the head and the left hand placing on the left leg,this shape is called the“lucky repose" The sedate face shows the peaceful mood of Sakyamuni when he left this world. In the temple there is also another Recumbent Buddha which is four meters long andwas brought from Singapore by the tenth abbot of the temple in 1989. Furthermore there are many other ancient paintings and Buddhist scriptures distributed in the different halls of the temple. Although the history of the Jade Buddha Temple is not very long,the old-time and classical architectural style makes the temple unique and inimitable in this modern city. Devajara Hall,Mahavira Hall and the Jade Buddha Tower make up the main structure of the temple and at sides are the Kwan-yin Dian Hall,the Amitabha Dian Hall,the Zen Tang Hall,the Dining-Room and the Recumbent Buddha Hall. The Sitting Buddha is in the Jade Buddha Tower and the Recumbent Buddhas are in the Recumbent Buddha Hall. More than 7 000 Dazang sutras are kept in the Jade Buddha Tower;these are all the inestimable culture relics.
The Jade Buddha Temple is a good place to go whether you are a Buddhist or not,the peaceful and transcendent atmosphere adds a kind of richness to our busy modern society.

7.The Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen

At No. 7 Xiangshan Road,Shanghai,stands a two-storey European-style building. It may not be that noticeable among the nearby high buildings and mansions but it has won deep reverence and admiration from visitors since it was opened to the public in 1988. It is the Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen(also named Sun Wen),the great forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution,the founder of the Republic of China and the respected contributor to Chinese modern history.
From 1918 to 1925,Mr. Sun Yat-sen and his wife,Mrs. Soong Chingling lived in the Former Residence,which was donated by some patriotic overseas Canadian Chinese,in support of the Chinese revolution. It was here that Mr. Sun accomplished his renowned masterpieces such as Doctrines of Sun Wen,Plans of China's development,etc.,made the plan of reforming the Three Principles of the People (Nationalism,Democracy and the People's Livelihood)and put forward the three cardinal policies(alliance with Soviet Russia,cooperation with the Communists and assistance to the workers" and peasants" movements).It was also here that he received the representatives of the Communist Party of China and promoted the first cooperation between the two major parties in Chinese modern history(the Nationalist Party and the Communist Party).
The residence witnessed his enthusiasm and his contributions to the Chinese revolution during the last years of this great man. After his death in 1925,Mrs.Soong continued to live here until 1937 when the Japanese army occupied Shanghai. Eight years later,upon China winning the war.Mrs. Soong offered to provide her home as the permanent site to Mr. Sun's memory. In 1961,the Former Residente of Sun Yat-sen was listed as being one of the Key State-preserved Cultural Relic Units.

8. Zhujiajiao:Shanghai"s Venice

Located in a suburb of Shanghai city.Zhujiajiao is an ancient water town well-known throughout the country,with a history of more than 1700 years. Covering an area of 47 square kilometers,the little fan-shaped town glimmers like a bright pearl in the landscape of lakes and mountains.
朱家角位于上海市郊,是一个有着1 700多年历史的著名水乡古镇。朱家角面积为47平方公里,这个折扇形的小镇如同一颗璀璨明珠镶嵌在湖光山色之中。
Endowed with another elegant name-“Pearl Stream”一the little town is the best-preserved among the four ancient towns in Shanghai. Unique old bridges across bubbling streams,small rivers shaded by willow trees,and houses with courtyards attached all transport people who have been living amidst the bustle and hustle of the modern big city to a brand-new world full of antiquity,leisure and tranquillity.

重点单词   查看全部解释    


adj. 已占用的;使用中的;无空闲的 v. 占有(oc

pedestrian [pi'destriən]


adj. 徒步的,缺乏想像的
n. 行人

patriotic [.pætri'ɔtik]


adj. 爱国的

unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

pearl [pə:l]


n. 珍珠
v. (用珍珠)装饰,呈珍珠状

morality [mə'ræliti]


n. 道德,美德,品行,道德观

profound [prə'faund]


adj. 深奥的,深邃的,意义深远的

lively ['laivli]



respected [ri'spektid]


adj. 受尊敬的 v. 尊敬;重视(respect的过

peaceful ['pi:sfəl]


adj. 安宁的,和平的






