Natural Features
A famous national historical and cultural city,Yan'an is located in the middle beaches of the Yellow River,and north of Shaanxi Province. It is one of the hundreds educational base of patriotism in China,an important base for promoting and inspiring patriotism,revolutionary tradition and Yan'an Spirit education;one of the cradles of Huaxia(an ancient name for China)nationality; also the most important city in northern Shaanxi Province.
Yan'an has a warm and dry climate with frost-free period of 150一195 days in a year. The annual average temperature is 9. 3℃ with a remarkable difference between day and night.
延安属于暖温带,每年霜冻以上的天气有150一195天。年平均气温9. 3度,早晚温差较大。
Yan'an is rich in tourist resources with convenient transportation and sufficient facilities. It is especially famous for its Hukou Waterfall on the Yellow River,its local customs and cultures of the loess plateau,as well as its being the Shrine of the Chinese nation and the base of Chinese revolution.
Yan'an once played an important role in Chinese history because it was once the revolutionary center of the CPC. It used to be the headquarter and general rear during the China's War of Liberation(1945一1949),and it used to be the location of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Our great leader MaoZedong and the Central Committee fought and lived here for 13 years during the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation. Therefore a large number of historic relics and sites are left here,among which the most significant is the spiritual wealth,that is,the Yan'an Spirit. The well-known Date Garden,Yangjialing,Nanniwan and Mt. Fenghuangshan have all recorded the unyielding and exerting spirit of the revolutionary forerunners.
延安在近代历史上占有重要地位的主要原因是因为它曾是红色革命中心。在解放战争时期这里是中央机关所在地和全国革命的总后方(1945一1949 )。我们的伟大领袖毛泽东以及中共中央曾在延安战斗、生活了13个春秋,留下了大批的宝贵文物和纪念地,史为重要的是还留卜犷珍贵的精神财富—延安精神著名的枣园、杨家岭、南泥湾、风凰山麓等许多地方都记载着我国革命的先驱者为了革命而不屈不挠、忘我奋斗的大无畏精神。 而享誉国内外。
The vast and wild plateau view here is also unique:the Hukou Waterfall in Yichuan County vigorous and powerful with golden water from the Yellow River pours downward into a lofty waterfall which enlivens all hearts once near it;the charming Mt. Wanhuashan with countless wild peonies of red,pink or white attracts people greatly;the typical relief of the loess plateau in Luochuan Yuan shows the magic power of the nature.
延安那旷一达的黄土高原风光亦是得天独厚的。宜川县的黄河壶口瀑布,雄浑奔放;金色的黄河水奋勇而下所形成的瀑布顿然使人心生活力; 迷人的万花山则拥有千亩野生牡丹.争芳一斗艳、姚紫嫣红自然的鬼斧神工。 而享誉国内外。
What's more,the strong flavour of the real plateau life in Shan Bei is also worth experiencing:the sonorous Xin Tian You,the vibrating drums,the elegant paper-cuts and the plain peasants' paintings,etc.