There was just one more stop, one more castle
in the career of the wandering Queen:Fotheringhay in Northamptonshire.
她的下一站只有一个地方 北安普敦郡的福瑟陵格
It's just a grassy mound now, which is just as well,
一直以来 那里只是一个长满野草的高地
since no ruin, no standing building for that matter,
但在今后的岁月里 无论岁月枯荣
could possilbly take the weight of the drama that was to follow.
Anyone expecting Mary Stuart to crumble into tearful confession had seriously misjudged her.
以为玛丽·斯图亚特会痛哭流涕地 在忏悔中走向末路的人们 完全误读了她
Up against it,she drew on something inside her long and mostly disastrous career
恰恰相反 她在自己漫长而悲惨的人生中 书写了浓重的一笔
which made her resolute and unnervingly lofty,as if she was above this squalid charade.
让她的形象变得坚毅 崇高 令人敬仰 这场阴谋与她相比如此渺小不堪
From the moment of her arrest to the moment of her execution,she gave as good as she got.
从被逮捕到处刑 她始终从容不迫
As a sinner, I am truly conscious of having often offended my creator.
作为罪人 我清楚地意识到 曾经冒犯过我主
I beg him to forgive me.But as Queen and sovereign,
我恳求他原谅我 但是作为女王和一国之君
I am aware of no fold of offence for which I have to render account to anyone here below.
我知道这并不算冒犯 在这之下的任何人
Her second tactic was to lie her head off,denying all knowledge of the Babington plot,
她第二个策略就是说谎 否认所有和巴宾顿计划的事情
athough she was on stronger ground when she accused Walsingham of having set up the whole thing to get rid of her.
虽然她有更强的证据表明 这一切都是沃尔辛海姆 为了除掉她一手设计的陷阱
Elizabeth did not see it exactly in this way.
She wrote to Mary as if the Queen of the Scots somehow,
她给玛丽写了一封信 好像苏格兰女王
had been an ungrateful house guest who'd made off with the towels.
是一个行为不端 偷走毛巾的客人一样