We tend to think of Edward the Confessor as the quintessential Anglo-saxon king.
我们倾向于把忏悔者爱德华看作 一个典型的盎格鲁撒克逊国王
In fact,he was almost as Norman as William the Conqueror.
事实上 他几乎与征服者威廉一样是个诺曼人
After all, his mother Emma was a Norman and he'd lived here in Normandy for 30 years,
他的母亲爱玛是诺曼人 在撒克逊与丹麦战争的硝烟中
ever since she'd brought him as a child refugee from the wars between the Saxons and the Danes.
把他扮作难民童带出 逃亡至诺曼底 自那以后 他便在此生活了三十年
But Normandy was not just an asylum for Edward,
it was the place which formed him politically and culturally.
His mother tongue was Norman French.
His virtual godfathers were the formidable Dukes of Normandy.
The Normans were descendants of Viking raiders,
but had long since traded in their longboats for powerful war-horses.
The Duchy of Normandy was in no sense just a piece of France.
Though the Dukes did formal homage to the kings of France,
in every other way, they were fiercely independent,
但在其它方面 他们是完全独立的
possessed of castles, patrons of churches.
These warlords were constantly in the saddle imposing their will on vassals,
这些军阀常年马不解鞍地四处征战 将其意愿强加于诸侯
fighting off revolts and forging shaky coalitions.
平定叛乱 缔结摇摇欲倾的盟约
But the duchy was also humming with energetic piety.
In the 11th century,handsome stone monasteries and churches with Romanesque arches began to appear.
在11世纪 拥有罗马式拱形结构的 漂亮的石砌修道院和教堂 开始出现
And the first grandiose stone castles,as tough as the Norman lords who'd built them,became part of the landscape.
最早的宏伟壮丽的石砌城堡 如建造它们的诺曼王族一般坚毅 成为了这风景一部分