There was young Henry, officially the next king of England,
首先是小亨利 英格兰的法定继承人
but in reality still having to apply to his father for pocket money.
事实上仍是寄人篱下 衣食住行还得靠其父
He rebelled, only to end up dying of dysentery.
他参与了叛变 最终却死于痢疾
Then there was Geoffrey, as bright and devious as his namesake grandfather,
其次是杰弗里 继承了祖父之名 同时也继承了其才智和诡计多端
given Brittany,but then trampled to death by a horse.
封地为布列塔尼 却死于马蹄的践踏之下
This left Richard Coeur De Lion, the Lionheart,physically brave, chivalrous and brutally ambitious.
接着是狮心王理查 鲁莽勇敢 仗义行侠 野心勃勃
And the youngest, John. Vindictive, self-serving,but undoubtedly clever.
最后是幺子约翰 心胸狭窄 自私自利 却无疑地相当聪明
Henry saw in him perhaps the only prince who could properly inherit the government.
在亨利看来 也许只有他 才是继承王位的合适人选
Between them Richard and John managed to undo, in their own spectacular ways,
not only the prospects of the kingdom,but, in the space of 15 years,the entire empire their father had so skilfully constructed.
不仅瓦解了王国的未来 还毁掉了其父花费十五年 而精心建造的帝国
It was on Richard that Eleanor pinned her hopes.
She was even prepared to go as far as to encourage an alliance between Richard and her husband's bitterest enemy, the king of France.
她甚至准备鼓动理查 与其丈夫的死敌法国结盟
So, in 1189, Richard declared war on his father.
1189年 理查向他的父亲宣战
This time, Henry faced defeat,forced to watch as his barons defected to Richard.
这一次 亨利遭到了失败 被迫看着自己的贵族倒戈向理查
The beleaguered Henry had no choice but to negotiate and agree terms which humbled him before his own son.
腹背受敌的亨利别无选择 只能屈膝向自己的亲生儿子妥协