However, the subjugation of Wales was far more subtle than the surgical application of brute force.
但是对威尔士的彻底征服远比 武力占领复杂微妙得多
Edward had the chilling, uncannily-modern knowledge that to break your enemy you must first strip him of his culture identity.
爱德华在这方面有着让人不寒而栗的超前意识 要瓦解敌人必须首先 动摇其民族认同感
Before this place became called Conway by the English,it was Aberconwy.
在被英格兰人改名为康威前 这里被称为阿拜康威
It was a monastery that housed the tomb of the most powerful of all the Welsh princes
这座修道院里 安葬着威尔士最有权势的王子们
and was home to a sacred relic that the Welsh believed to be a piece of the true cross.
这里也是被威尔士人视为 真十字架残片的供奉地
Naturally then, the monastery became a fortress and the cross was taken to London along with Llywelyn's crown.
但随后 修道院变成了堡垒 而十字架则被送往伦敦 一同被带走的还有卢埃林的皇冠
The lords call themselves princes of Wales. Fine.
领主自封为威尔士王子 那么好吧
From 1301, they will be the most English of the English,
从1301年起该称号 由最纯正的英格兰人继承
the first son of the king,the heir to the throne, the emperor in waiting.
即国王的长子 王位的继承人 未来的君主
The most titanic of all the visible signs of the English empire were its castles,
英格兰统治的最显著标志 是他们的城堡
a granite ring of fortresses stretching from Builth to Hope,
Most of them supplied from the sea,depriving the Welsh of any hope of liberation.
大部分城堡从海上获得补给 粉碎了威尔士人获得解放的希望