A new Book of Common Prayer required in all parishes for the first time
所有教区首次指定 《公祷书》为唯一祈祷用书
brought English into the heart of the church service.
To get a measure of the cultural revolution that took place,
若想感受这里发生的 宗教改革的程度
you need only come here to Hailes Church in Gloucestershire.
你只需来到 格洛斯特郡的黑尔斯教会
Three years of state-sponsored iconoclasm have produced this.
三年里 全国发起的去除旧习的行动 成果如下
No more stone altar,just a user-friendly communion table.
祭台不复存在 只剩下实用的圣餐台
This whole arrangement is designed to abolish the distance between the priest and his flock.
所有这些布置 意在拉近神父与民众的距离
The screen which had been a barrier protecting the mystery of the Mass is now just a way in to the communion,
这个曾被用来 捍卫弥撒仪式神秘性的地方 如今变成了信徒与神父
a gathering of the faithful along with their priest.
As if all this wasn't shocking enough,imagine that some day in 1550,
如果这一切还不足以令你震惊 请想像1550年的某天
when, for the first time, the priest invited the congregation to partake of communion,
神父第一次 邀请其教徒一起
using those English words never before heard in church,"Dearly beloved".
甚至用到了从未在教堂中出现过的词汇: "挚爱的"
The familiarity of this must have made many of them squirm,
这样的亲切感 肯定使很多教徒诚惶诚恐
rather like these days hearing a trendy vicar insist, "Call me Bob."
就像如今我们在教堂中 听到一位神父执意让你亲昵地直呼名讳一样