Cromwell agonised, prayed and wept,beseeched the Lord of Hosts to give him an answer.
克伦威尔挣扎过 祈祷过 伤感过 恳求上帝予以指引
In the end, politics, not prayer, decided it.
最终 政治取代了宗教 帮他做了决定
The king would have to die if the country was ever to heal.
想要平息这场动乱 国王必须死
But not done away with in some dark corner.
No, Charles was going to be tried in the open,then beheaded in public.
不 查理要在公开接受审判 在众目睽睽之下走上断头台
Cut his head off with the crown on it.
This would be THE great turning point in British history.
The trial would kill one kind of Britain and give birth to another,
这场审判将 处决一个英国 迎接另一个英国
a republic, a kingless state of God.
一个共和的 没有君主的上帝之国
So for both Charles and Oliver Cromwell,
the final act would become a theatre,a classroom, a debating chamber.
最终的审判将成为一座剧场 一间教室 一个辩论庭
Charles will play the classic Stuart part,that of holy martyr,
查理将扮演斯图亚特的传统角色 神圣的殉道者
as his grandmother, Mary, Queen of Scots, had done.
正如他的祖母 苏格兰女王玛丽一样
Imposing, dignified, tragic.
庄严 尊贵 悲情
But he knew as well as Oliver Cromwell did that the outcome was never in doubt.
但他和奥利弗·克伦威尔一样清楚 结果显而易见
The king would die.The only question was as what?
国王必须死 唯一的疑问是以什么名义
Martyr or traitor? What had he learned?
殉道者还是叛国者 他得到了什么教训吗
In the end, the answer was... nothing.
最终 答案是 毫无悔意