In response to complaints that a city-wide campaign of removing signs on buildings made it difficult for people to find their way, Beijing city management authority said on Friday that it would make sure resetting the signs will keep pace with removal.
remove signs on buildings是拆除建筑物上的标识。
北京市城管委表示,截至周五,北京已拆除楼顶各种牌匾标识(signs and billboards)1.4万块。
近期,为打造视觉清朗的城市天际线(create an urban skyline that is visually clear and bright)及加强城市管理(strengthen urban management),北京开展集中清理建筑物楼顶广告牌匾行动。这一行动是《北京城市总体规划(urban planning)(2016年-2035年)》的部分内容。
但是,有市民反映北京拆除广告牌匾后找不到路(cannot find their way to destinations),一些商店和公司拉横幅(put up banners)来代替(replace)。
对此,北京市城管委表示,目前正在制定街区总体设计(make overall designs on community neighborhood),将注重街区特色(highlight their different features),同时会加快重设工作(resetting),将拆除和规范重设同步。
根据相关规定,楼顶禁止设置牌匾、标识、广告等,已有的也要进行清理拆除(remove)。另外,建筑物墙体三层以上部分(the third or higher stories)只允许保留一处建筑物名称牌匾标识。