I'm going to have a physical
预防胜于治疗,要有效预防疾病,医生常建议我们定期做身体检查,英文可以说:I'm going to have a physical (我去做身体检查),体检也可叫做:A physical check-up/ a medical或body check。
Husband: Honey, it's Saturday night and you know what that means.
Wife: Sorry, I've got to go out.
Husband: Where are you going at this hour?
Wife: To the all- night doctor's clinic. I'm going to have a physical .
Something's wrong.
Husband: I'll say. I was hoping to get a little physical myself. HURRY!
丈夫: 甜心,现在是星期六晚上,你知道是什么意思吗?
妻子: 对不起,我要出去了。
丈夫: 这个时候你要去哪里?
妻子: 我要去通宵看诊的诊所做身体检查,身体有点不对劲。
丈夫: 我同意,我还想跟你亲热一下,赶快去吧!
丈夫晚上问妻子:Where are you going at this hour?(这个时候你要去哪里?)妻子说:I'm going to have a physical(我要去检查身体。)丈夫有些失望说:I was hoping to get a little physical myself(我还想和你亲热一下呢!)
Physical是‘身体的'或‘肉体的',所以‘体育'叫physical education。身体检查美式英文叫physical examination,英式则叫medical examination,俗语简称为physical或medical。此外,还有health/medical checkup、health/medical check等说法,
例如:(1) You have to pass a physical before getting the employment contract(你要身体检查合格,才可获得聘用合约)。
(2) If you are having intense abdominal pains, you had better go to your doctor for a checkup(假如你腹痛剧烈,最好找医生检查一下身体)。
又由于physical有‘肉体'的意思,俚语常以get physical来说‘肉体接触',包括性爱、爱抚等,例如:The very first time he dated Mary, he tried to get physical(他第一次和玛丽约会,就想动手动脚)。上文那丈夫说I was hoping to get a little physical,当然是语带双关,把‘身体检查'变做‘亲热一下'。
留意at this hour的说法。这三字一般带‘这么早/晚,怎么还……'的惊讶或不高兴含义,例如:(1) Why are you still working at this hour of night?(这么晚了,你怎么还在工作?)(2) Who can be knocking at the door at this early/late hour?(这么早/晚,谁在敲门呢?)