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Christmas in Other Countries 其他国家圣诞节

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We'll offer some informations about the Christmas Traditions, Significance of Christmas, Christmas Family Traditions in other coutries of the world.


  Beautifully dressed small kids visit homes with beautiful gifts a week before Christmas day. Ringing of bell is become a custom. Villagers of distinct villages compete while calling people for midnight mass by ringing the bell. After midnight mass, homemade doughnuts are shared among family members.

  On 6th December, Chlausjagen festival or feast of St. Nichohlas is celebrated. A Swiss person eagerly awaits the arrival of Christkindli. He distributes Christmas gifts among people. There is one special fairy tale tram in Zurich. Santa visits on this tram along with little children.


  The traditional meal in Australia during Christmas celebrations is the turkey dinner, pork and ham. Christmas plum pudding is one of the famous Christmas desserts. Sometimes gold nuggets are also present in Christmas puddings during Christmas gold rushes.

  Bondi Beach in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney is one of the famous hang out for thousands of visitors during Christmas celebrations.

  Christmas Eve in Australia is known for celebrating Carols by Candlelight. During Christmas celebrations, thousands of people surround them with Christmas Bush. Christmas Bush is a native Christmas native plant with red flowered leaves.


  Although, a few percentage of Japanese population believe in Christ, still people love to decorate their home and stores with Christmas trees. Exchanging of Christmas gifts is an important Christmas tradition in Japan. Hotei-osho acts as Santa Claus during Christmas celebrations. He is a Buddhist monk.

  In Japan, Christmas is celebrated by doing nice things, such as helping needy or sick people in hospitals. Christian missionaries mark the arrival of Christmas celebrations. Turkey is one of the famous Christmas recipes in Japan.


  Little clayed figures are placed near the Christmas tree in Chile. This is referred as pesebre. Father of Christmas in Chile is Viejito Pascuero. He wishes everyone Feliz Navidad y un Prospero Anc Nuevo or Happy Christmas.

  His arrival is quite similar to Santa Claus. The reindeer draws his cab. Famous Christmas meal of Chile areb azuele de ave, chicken soup wijt stuffed potatoes, corn on cob and onions. Pan de pasqua is another mouth-watering Christmas recipes. it is usually Christmas bread comprised of candies and fruits.


  Christmas celebrations start with the feast of St. Nicholas. Saint is accompanied with a devil. He asks small children about their good and bad actions. Toys, sweets and nuts are gifted to good children. Brass instruments are used for playing chorale music. Carol singers visit house to house with blazing torches and manger. They assemble on the steps of church.

  In the year 1818, song Silent Night was sung first time. It was sung in the village church located in Oberndorf. Traditional Christmas dinner of Austria is baked carp. Good children are rewarded with nuts, apples and sweets by St. Nicholas on 6th December. St. Nicholas is also known as Heiliger Nikolaus.


  On Christmas Eve, dinner starts with rice pudding. This rice pudding is comprised of a magical almond.

  Christmas recipe in Denmark also comprised of goose, red cabbage and browned potatoes, along with pastries and cakes.

  Christmas plate is one of the world famous Danish traditions. During earlier times, rich Dans used to gift plates biscuits and fruits to their servants.

  Christmas decoration plays significant role during Christmas celebrations. People decorate their houses with bright paper, wooden bits and straw.

  Parents usually decorate Christmas trees in a secret manner. Children are not allowed to see Christmas tree.

  Christmas tree is beautifully lit up and family members assemble around it on Christmas Eve. All of them sing Christmas carols and dance.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
distinct [dis'tiŋkt]


adj. 独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的

decorate ['dekəreit]


vt. 装饰,装修,授予某人奖章或其他奖状

decoration [.dekə'reiʃən]


n. 装饰,装饰品

corn [kɔ:n]


n. 谷物,小麦,玉米
v. 形成(颗粒状),

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

recipe ['resipi]


n. 食谱,秘诀,药方

saint [seint]


n. 圣人,圣徒
vt. 把 ... 封为圣人

cob [kɔb]


n. 雄天鹅;玉米穗轴;结实的矮脚马;[英]圆块 vt.

gifted ['giftid]


adj. 有天赋的,有才华的

magical ['mædʒikəl]


adj. 魔术的,有魔力的,神奇的





