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- 大千世界:令人叹为观止的钱币艺术
- On a physical level a banknote is just a piece of paper, but it is what a banknote actually represents that is central to Justine Smith’s work. She makes ori
时间:2011-10-31 编辑:Mike
- 图文阅读:我爱你,妈妈系列之十六
时间:2008-05-11 编辑:echo
- 摄影天地:经典映像摄影 另样角度看世界
- Beautiful photographs serve as an excellent source of inspiration for designers. In this post we’ll showcase 45 photos from various photographers that make us
时间:2011-02-10 编辑:beck
- 双语 牛津大学拟建欧洲首家政府学院
- 导读:牛津大学日前做出一项意义非凡之举。美国实业家、慈善家布莱维尼克慷慨解囊,前所未有地(unprecedentedly)捐款7500万英镑,以用于2012年该校开设一所崭新的“政府学
时间:2010-09-21 编辑:beck