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时间:2009-11-25 11:30:07 来源:可可英语 编辑:vicki 每天三分钟英语轻松学
- 中国暴富一族新宠—藏獒
- China's latest must-have luxury for the ultra-rich, to go with mansions and sports cars, is a large, slobbery dog with massive amounts of hair best known f
时间:2010-08-03 编辑:francie
- 你的皮肤为何老化的比别人快?
- Don't blame genes for aging facial skin. A new study of twins suggests you can blame those coarse wrinkles, brown or pink spots, and dilated blood vessels on t
时间:2010-07-27 编辑:francie
- 轻松破解老外"伊妹儿"或聊天中的缩略词(4)
- O: OAUS = On An Unrelated Subject OBTW = Oh, By The Way OIC = Oh, I See OICU = Oh, I See You OMDB = Over My Dead Body OMG = Oh My God/Oh
时间:2011-08-11 编辑:Richard
- 这些生活的真谛你信吗?反正我信了!
- Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine. 无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。Busy people are burdened with one worry. Idle
时间:2011-07-27 编辑:Richard