Lateral Shuffle
Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and turned out 45 degrees. Bend into a squat with your knees over your ankles. Step out with your left foot, keeping your knees bent in the squat position. Take a step with your right foot to return to start. Continue walking sideways, taking 10 steps to the leftand then 10 to the right.
双脚比臀部略宽呈45 度角站立。身体弯曲成下蹲姿势,膝盖越过踝关节。左脚向左迈出,保持双膝弯曲成下蹲姿势。右脚随之迈一步回到起始动作。继续侧身向一边走,向左走10 步,然后再向右走10 步。