Sort into three piles: keep (have intention to do something with it); giveaway (canned or packaged goods that have not exceeded their expiration dates, but that you have no intention to use in the near future); and toss (items that have exceeded expiration dates, or opened goods that you have no intention to use). Clean shelves and keep dry. Restock the “keep” pile; make a list of things you need to replace on your next trip to the market.
食品柜 按类别分成三堆:“保存”( 打算用它做些什么)、“送人”( 没有超过保质期的罐装或包装产品,但短期内你也不打算用它)、“扔掉”( 过了保质期的产品,或不打算用的打开了包装的产品)。打扫搁板,保持干燥。重新为“保存”堆补货,列一个你下次去市场时需要买的东西的清单。