Forgettable supporting role: Lisa Kudrow. Likewise, Lisa Kudrow has also seen her career flop since Friends. The 46-year-old blonde, who played Phoebe Buffay, has appeared in a series of forgettable, mostly supporting roles in a string of second rate comedies, including the 2007 turkey P.S. I Love You.
无足轻重的配角: 丽莎库卓(上图左)。丽莎库卓在《老友记》后也遭遇了事业低谷。这位46岁的金发碧眼女星,当年在《老友记》中饰演菲比巴费,在《老友记》结束后,只在一些影片中出演过配角,如影片《PS:我爱你!》(2007年)