Because despite the fact the ISS does have an Internet connection, NASA and their Russian counterparts are apparently extremely concerned that may spawn a serious space hacking attempt.
One they don't feel able to cope with, apparently.
Garriott told gaming site Kotaku "they were so worried about people tunneling backwards to the ISS and wreaking havoc that it became a non-starter."
Yes, beware the MMORPG playing teen, for they are more dangerous than alien life forms creeping about your space ship and killing you in the dark.
As if that wasn't bad enough, Garriot also wasn't allowed to wile away the gameless hours in orbit listening to his iPod either, as apparently the lithium battery was considered a fire hazard.
"They make you take the battery out and all kinds of crap. It's a pain in the ass," he is quoted as saying.
"You had to have the lithium battery pulled out, because, hypothetically, it's a fire hazard - it's not really; it's actually much worse after you crack the whole thing open, rip the battery out and put wires into it - but anyway, it costs you so much money to even take the iPod, it just wasn't worth it."
With no music to float about to, and no gaming to pass the time, it sounds rather like the whole trip wasn't really worth it to be honest. But what else do rich folks have to waste their money on these days?