Feeling low and depressed? If you want to be able to instantly access a good mood, try this technique from life coach Rebekah Fensome.
感觉心情低落忧郁?如果你想迅速拥有好心情,试试生活教练Rebekah Fensome的小妙招吧。
If you suffer from 'mood dips', mood swings, or spend a lot of time feeling low and depressed, then try a simple technique to access a happier mood, called the 'finger click'.
First, access some memories that make you feel happy and content - perhaps quality time with a partner, or a great holiday with friends or family. You may find it easier to access these memories if you close your eyes. Now write these memories down on paper, which will cement them in your mind.
Next, start to associate these memories to the act of clicking your fingers. You will need to repeat the process a number of times, but eventually you should be able to access the happy and content feelings simply by clicking your fingers.