"Keep f___ing that chicken!"
New York City TV anchor Ernie Anastos' inexplicable on-air comment to weatherman Nick Gregory during a Sept. 16 newscast. Anastos, who started the banter with "It takes a tough man to make a tender forecast" — and, some speculate, meant to say "plucking" — later acknowledged that he "misspoke" and apologized "to anyone who may have been offended."
10.Ernie Anastos
在9月16日的新闻直播中,纽约电视主持人Ernie Anastos如此惊世骇俗的形容气象播报员Nick Gregory。Anastos起初还开玩笑说“播好天气预报果然需要像您这样的硬汉啊”,然后就。。。有人猜测他想说的其实是继续plucking that chicken(拔鸡毛,意为保持风格,继续努力)。Anastos后来承认“口误”,并向“受到影响的人”道歉。