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来源:中国教育网 编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

2.Glenn Howlett's colleagues at London city hall thought they had dreamed up a great gag. They sent him a memo informing him that the really big report he was working on was going to be due early, in just two weeks. The tip-off was that the memo was dated April 1st. Ha Ha. Except Howlett didn't realize it was a joke. He received the memo while on vacation and immediately cut his vacation short and phoned the office to tell everyone to start getting busy. But as he contemplated the new deadline he worked himself up into an increasing state of panic, until soon he began to experience heart palpitations. Finally he collapsed from the stress and had to take leave from work. As he was recovering he realized it just wasn't worth risking his health to finish the report, so he filed for early retirement. At which point someone told him the early deadline was just a joke. He responded by suing for damages. As a consequence of his lawsuit, city hall banned employees from pulling any more pranks.

伦敦市政厅工作的 Glenn Howlett,被他的同事狠狠整了一次。在他度假的时候,他的同事告诉他,他要做的一份报告必须提前上交,最后期限就是4月1日。他信以为真,取消了休假,日夜赶工的同时身体也累垮了,住院的时候他琢磨着这样不行啊,不能因为工作把人给弄残了,于是申请提前退休。就在这时有人告诉他,他被耍了。随后 Glenn Howlett控诉他的那几个同事,结果伦敦市政厅从此之后禁止员工之间开这样的玩笑。





