Chump #1: The Workaholic Hotshot
This guy is always dressed to the nines, because he's loaded. Simmer down -- the cash flow comes at a price. He toils until the wee hours, then loosens his tie and parties like there's no tomorrow. Unfortunately, there is a tomorrow, and it starts in like three hours. What little time he has for you will be shared with his BlackBerry. The ugly truth: Money is the love of his life, and you come in second -- or third, since he's probably crunching more than numbers with his secretary.
NO.1 事业有成的工作狂
他的穿着那是相当讲究,因为他有的是钱。平静下来---- 这白花花的银子可不是白来的。他加班工作直至凌晨,然后松开领带,尽情狂欢,就像是没有明天。不幸的是,貌似只过了短短的三个小时,第二天就到来的。他能与你共度的短暂时光也只能通过他的黑莓手机来实现。丑恶的真相:他真正爱的是钱,作为伴侣的你只排在第二,或第三位,因为与他有“关系”的,不止是他的秘书。