Run, bike, walk, roller blade or swim. Pick your poison and get outside. These are some of the most important and easiest ways to get a cardio workout--the key to any successful workout regimen--and anyone can do it. If you haven't exercised in ages, start with a slow and easy workout and give yourself two weeks to increase in speed and distance.
慢跑,远足,骑车,游泳,滑轮, 这些都是最简单也是对你的身体健康来说重要无比的有氧锻炼。请根据自己的喜好从这些运动中选择一样,然后出门,运动,然后坚持运动下去。需要注意的是,如果你已经很长时间没有做大强度的运动了,你可以先从短距离小运动量的锻炼开始,让你的身体适应运动量后再酌情慢慢增加运动强度和锻炼时间。贵在坚持!