Now you can literally curl up in the pages of a good book! Yusuke Suzuki made this bed with sheets forming the pages and pillows serving as bookmarks.
现在你可以好好“沉浸”在这本好书里了!Yusuke Suzuki做的这个书本床把书中的纸变成了被子,枕头自然就是书签啦。(如果你有一个这样的床,恭喜你,名正言顺的不用叠被子啦~)
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Now you can literally curl up in the pages of a good book! Yusuke Suzuki made this bed with sheets forming the pages and pillows serving as bookmarks.
现在你可以好好“沉浸”在这本好书里了!Yusuke Suzuki做的这个书本床把书中的纸变成了被子,枕头自然就是书签啦。(如果你有一个这样的床,恭喜你,名正言顺的不用叠被子啦~)