Linnea Jacobson is a 14-years-old photographer/ writer from Umea.
Her labels on 14, daydreamer, bored and always in hurry. I love photography and fashion.
活跃在著名潮人街拍网站 上的时尚达人:
14岁的莉妮娅·雅各布森来自瑞典于默奥市,小小年纪的她现在已经是一个小有名气的摄影师,她会在个人博客里及时更新着她亲自拍摄的照片。她的个人博客名字很有趣,叫做wider than a teenager。
在Lookbook上她这样介绍着自己:14岁的空想家,有点无聊,总是急急忙忙的。我喜欢摄影喜欢时尚。 is the internet source of fashion inspiration from real people around the world. A lookbook is a collection of photographs compiled to show off a model, a photographer, a style, or a clothing line. It is an especially popular term with "fashion bloggers". Lookbooks in their online form can be described as "fashion diaries" because bloggers are constantly updating them on a daily or weekly basis.
Lookbook.nu是一家在2008年推出的潮人街拍网站,网站上的时尚灵感都取材于现实生活。"lookbook" 指的是摄影师或者模特的照片合集。时尚博主们定期上传照片更新他们的在线时尚日记。