On a physical level a banknote is just a piece of paper, but it is what a banknote actually represents that is central to Justine Smith’s work. She makes original sculptures and collages using real banknotes from various countries around the world.
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- 幸福人生的20个本质
- 把握当下1.Seize each day. Live each day as if it's your last. Leave the past behind and do not anticipate the future. Be present to enjoy the moment. 把握当下。
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- 科学奥秘:这种人就是会讨价还价
- Everyone knows someone who bargains extraordinarily well. According to a new study in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, skilled negotiators
时间:2010-11-12 编辑:beck

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- 记住,对自己期望的越多就越有压力。最好的还没有出现。原谅他人所做的一切。每天至少静坐10分钟。不要把自己看得太重,没有人把你看得很重要。要拥有更多的微笑和欢乐,这
时间:2011-01-14 编辑:beck