Angry Birds' new challenge may be a bit steeper than knocking down a shoddy structure onto a few static pigs.
相比打垮一座摇摇晃晃的构造、砸死几头呆着不动的猪,《愤怒的小鸟》(Angry Birds)面临的新挑战恐怕要更加艰巨一些。
Rovio Entertainment Ltd., the Finnish game developer behind the Angry Birds franchise, is trying to grow from a mobile game company into a global brand and a big part is a full-on marketing blitz in China, which it says is its second-largest market after the U.S.Even though fake Angry Birds products abound in the country, Rovio ChinaGeneral Manager Paul Chen is undaunted.
《愤怒的小鸟》背后的芬兰游戏开发商Rovio Entertainment Ltd.正在努力从一家手机游戏公司成长为一个全球品牌,其中很大一部分工作就是在中国发动一场全面的营销战。据该公司说,中国是它仅次于美国的世界第二大市场。尽管假冒"愤怒的小鸟"产品在中国屡见不鲜,但Rovio中国区总经理陈博一(Paul Chen)没有丝毫胆怯。
Though Rovio has previously targeted the China market with specific initiatives, like a level designed around China's Mid-Autumn Festival, the company opened its office in Shanghai earlier this year and Mr. Chen said in an interview it will be rolling out a number of new programs in the coming 18 months.
The first of those is a new Angry Birds game designed for the China market ahead of the London Olympics this summer. Centered on a drum motif that elicits the opening ceremonies in the Beijing opening ceremony four years ago, users compete with others online to hit Chinese-style drums scattered throughout the levels.
In an animation accompanying the game, a pack of Angry Birds characters join iconic Chinese Olympic athletes like badminton player Lin Dan and hurdler Liu Xiang as they reclaim a golden drum from the pigs, their recurring enemies in the game franchise.
Then in July, the company will open its first two retail stores in Shanghai and Beijing, but Mr. Chen says the company will be opening several hundred stores across China over the next year and a half. As with many popular branded products in China, many items bearing counterfeit Angry Bird images and patterns are for sale in China.
But Mr. Chen said he believed once Chinese fans were given a chance to buy genuine Angry Bird products, they would.
"There's an educational process to say, OK, this is the official, this is the unofficial product. With the official you'll get exclusive designs, things others don't have, your friend who might have an unofficial T-shirt, they're not cool anymore because you have the latest official design," he said. "It's kind of like the way fashion works, where the uncool guy has last year's fall collection and you have this year's fall collection."
He added that the company also plans to include special levels and other game features that are linked to the purchase of official products, so those who buy the sometimes-misshapen fake Angry Bird stuffed animal will miss out on some of the perks offered to those who buy the real thing.
Finally on Oct. 1, China's National Day, the company will be opening its first theme park in a city outside ofShanghai. The park, which will feature rides as well as a large interactive playground, will be the first of several locations opening in the next year and a half, Mr. Chen said.