A kitten is recovering in California after surviving a 6,500-mile journey across the Pacific stowed away inside a Chinese shipping container.
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Ni Hao, a ginger and white kitten, was discovered breathing shallowly in a limp ball after a two-week trip across the Pacific Ocean.
The three-month-old feline was severely dehydrated and suffering from starvation when the container from Shanghai was opened in California last week, but was said to be doing well after being transferred to the Carson Animal Care Center in Los Angeles.
At first he was too weak to stand, but the short-haired kitten is finally taking its first steps.
"Ni Hao greeted the medical team with his first miaow this morning and is attempting to stand," said Marcia Mayeda, head of the Los Angeles Department of Animal Care and Control.
"你好用自己的叫声来回应医疗队伍,它正尝试站立。" 洛杉矶动物保护和管制协会的负责人Marcia Mayeda说。
Aaron Reyes, deputy director of the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control, added: "We finally got to hear his voice. It sounds like a sputtering single-engine plane."
洛杉矶动物保护和管制协会的代理人Aaron Reyes补充道:"我们也终于听到了它的声音,听起来就像单引擎飞机发出的溅射声。"
Ni Hao, which means Hello in Mandarin, is expected to remain in quarantine for 60 days but afterwards animal workers will look to placing him with a foster family.
它的名字"你好" 在汉语中是问好的意思,猫咪将会继续留待照顾60天,然后动物保护工作人员会为它选择一个收养人,给它一个真正的家。
"It's much better for him to recover in a home environment," Mr Reyes said. "It's just like a human being in a hospital so we're hoping to move him."
He added: "Little by little we're getting there. We're hoping that under the treatment of our med team and with rest, he'll be able to continue to recover quickly." It was not immediately clear how the kitten got into the container.
他还补充到:"我们一点点的取得进展。我们希望在我们医疗队伍的精心治疗和照顾下,有了良好的休息,它能够自行快速的康复。" 至今还不知道究竟猫咪是如何在集装箱度过这段日子的。
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