Get It to Go
Although restaurants can legally donate qualifying excess food to organizations like City Harvest and Feeding America, you own the food you order and it isn’t going anywhere. Since many restaurants serve enough for two on each plate, don’t be shy about ordering a second appetizer instead of an entrée, sharing an entrée with your dining partner, or taking half of your food home to make a second meal. The one exception to this rule is if you’re at a business meal…doggie bags and business don’t mix.
尽管餐厅可以将多余的达标食物合法捐赠给“城市丰收”和“哺育美国”那样的组织,但你自己点的食物属你所有,它不会去任何地方 。既然许多餐馆为两个人的餐盘提供足够的食物,不要羞于没点主菜却点了第二份开胃菜,和你的就餐者一起共享一份主菜,或将一半的食物带回家当作第二餐 。这条规则的一个例外是,如果你在生意桌上…打包袋和生意不要混为一谈 。
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